New submiting levels rules
6 years ago
  1. 1000 minimum plays rule still there and won't be removed. It is pretty useless because of every level after some time gets 1000 plays, but it was added by one of the mods and I don't want to remove it.
  2. All levels, what can be beaten in less than 20 seconds will be rejected. Levels added to leaderboard before this rule won't be deleted.
  3. Levels, created only for the run will be rejected too.
sWinTuZ and IanTEB764 like this

Good to know.

@ReverseDmitry will you add this to the rules? For the people who haven't seen this thread.

Edited by the author 6 years ago

The 2nd rule doesnt make much sense. I mean, we are running a level, and we are trying to push it to its limits. If we get a sub 20 , that means the level doesnt apply anymore?

Vermont, USA

why do levels made for the run get rejected?

aggeL likes this

Hey everyone, just read the post I made a year ago. My English was so bad back then, dear god. 1000 plays on the level are still required for submission. Submitting self-made levels is NOT allowed from now on. There isn't really a way to know for sure, but I hope I can trust you all. Speedrunning levels made by other people is much more fun than speedrunning self-made levels. The "20 seconds requirement" is no more. Any level with any length that can be completed is accepted with two exceptions:

  1. Can't beat faster/can't save time Example: the level that completes itself after a fixed amount of time, or an auto-level that can't be completed by any other means. This DOES NOT include levels the community found the fastest possible time for Example: APPLE SHOOTER on the Happy Wheels leaderboard. 5.00 seconds.
  2. Way too short (why would you even submit that) Example: you fall straight on the finish platform the first millisecond after spawning in the level. By the way, stop submitting links to replays, they tend to break every once in a while for some reason, another update may come out and change physics of the game again and all the replays will break. Please submit the video proof instead, it is not only more reliable, but also I am too lazy to click on replay links. Thanks!
Edited by the author 4 years ago
Reservburk and FalcoDash107 like this
Blekinge, Sweden

Doesn't the rules say that the level -SPEEDRUN- by nopoceHoK should be rejected I mean the level is made by sWinTuZ doesn't that break the rules of levels created only for the run will be rejected?

You're right. It is in fact a self-made level. It was accepted before the rule was introduced. Please vote on this thread, should the level be removed from the leaderboard or not.

Reservburk likes this
Blekinge, Sweden

I vote no.

Coolence likes this
Vermont, USA

I vote no. also, what's stopping users from making a alt account to make it look like someone other than them?

Blekinge, Sweden

It's A Trust Based System.

Vermont, USA

that's kinda janky tho...

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