Is there a website?
7 months ago
Washington, USA

Is there any place to get this game? Or, any console I could use for this game as well? I want to give this a try and get 1st Place on this one.

ROTUNDA likes this

You will need to use MAME emulator or an actual arcade for this. There was never a console port sadly.

Washington, USA

Okay. I get that. Thank you so much @ROTUNDA I will do that later on. Cause, my PC cannot run Emulators. So, I am going to have to wait until I get a better PC that can run an Emulator.

But, thank you so much for the help @ROTUNDA You are a cool person.

ROTUNDA likes this

Anytime look forward to seeing you submit when you can :)

SpeedRunFan2022 likes this