A place for everything, and everything at its place!
1 year ago

My demands are ferocious, I am aware.

To start it all, I would like some "Law and Order" in the categories!

Instead of the Yes/No for "No schemes/logic" The category could be registered under = NSNL (for no Scheme/no Logic). Any% NSNL // NG+ NSNL (doesn't look sexy, but it's clearer)

Also, it could be nice to have the Any% // 100% // NG+ properly written somewhere. Instead of the "Any loadout" name you had since the dinosaurs were rulling the Earth. (Yeah, yeah no 100% yet.. I'm cooking! I'll try to 100% that damn planet as a final message sent to the stars)

I know I'm probably the only one running those categories at the moment, but from what rare good viewers told me, everytime they come checking the leaderboards for Mindustry, they cannot find anything, and if they find something it's not what they were looking for.

Keep of course the "1 sector runs" in front of the rest, more runners, but it could be nice to have a direct access to "normally main categories", with a clear name, from the leaderboard itself.

I also know my message sounds like I'm running for the Moderation. At those sinister accusations I'm simply answering; No!

Don't vote for me, no! Vote for you, you are the real heroes. Find some more moderators!

I've exchanged with all of them in the past months, only one remains fresh and active! I'm scared. Scared to post my new PBs since I know I'll have to wait until my grandchildren know how to drive to have the time accepted.

I know Mindustry is poisonous, but somewhere in deep jungles called "forums", there must be people that are imune and ready to check the runs and help the game here!

It's a great game to run, it deserves more passionate people to make the speedrun around it more known and possibly attractive!

I'm starting to have enough! Enough of those viewers arriving, first message be like "Speedrun Mindustry?! Never heard of it..." And then.. They leave! They are simply choked, under the stress of something different they were not expecting! Or maybe my jokes weren't on point.. Anyway!

The game is really a great and entertaining challenge to run and share! Why Factorio create speedrunners carreers when Mindustry consume your soul and bones? I'll tell you why:

A place for everything, and everything at its place.

My message was full of little jokes. But the main point is serious. I'm complaining of course. Take it in the most wrong and disturbing way possible if you can. The chemical reaction resulting from it, will at least make a strange sound.

My message is not against the only active moderator left, I'm pointing at all of you others at once. Some 0.4 people will read it.. Anyway!

"Gna gna gna do it yourself instead of complaining" I knew it. If there is no other options. But it probably will kill the speedrun around the game for good. I was told to dance, not moderate. At least, I'll have this message at my trial.

Whatever may not happen, at least I had fun writting this. May your road lead you to warm sands.

It was a distress call from a lonely island called Love.

remram44 likes this
United States

Hi @Capitaine_Echo, I agree that having the IL leaderboard shown first is a good user experience since it has multiple runners on it. If you are still looking for an update on how the whole-game categories are split up, then you may want to visit the Discord channel and ask again there, there has been some conversation the last few days so yours may be noticed.

Hello hello sir! (Sorry for the late reply)

I'm still looking for many things: logic, an outside flat jumping rope spot, love, some less bitter coffee and good viewers. Concerning Mindustry speedruns.. The last Moderator is still alone, I care about him. Classifying categories will be useless if this problem is still up.

I know already a speedrun/entertainer career alongside Mindustry is harder than any other game, so whatever happen will be fine for me.

For speedrun.com I see nothing will change, so I've just asked to be moderator. We will have enough fire to survive trough winter.