have to ask emu
3 years ago
North Korea

what about mednaffen ? they are allowed?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

Bsnes, Higan and Snes9x, Mednafen, shouldn't pose any problems. Thanks and good luck.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
pile and Pikachu like this

What about Snesgt?

Connecticut, USA

youre probably just better off downloading one of the ones aquas mentioned, its not like you gotta pay for them. pretty standard emulators for most speedruns on this site.

@pile Если вы не следите за выходом более оптимизированных эмуляторов, то конечно идите юзайте старые и актуальные для win7! в то время как Mesen-S и Mednafen обновляются! @pile If you do not follow the release of more optimized emulators, then of course go use the old and current ones for win7! while Mesen-S and Mednafen are being updated!

European Union

I don't see any list of "banned" emulators so use whatever you want.

PakLomak likes this

I would still like to hear from the moderators of this game which emulators are allowed and which are not. and in particular I am interested in BizHawk as I use it.

Indiana, USA

When a moderator replies and his reply is ignored...


xenkaroshi likes this