Category suggestions & opinions on them
7 years ago

So, we all know this game has a lot of space for a lot of categories to run. Some ideas are better, some worse, some impossible. Here's some I had.

= = NG+ (New Game+) = =

  • You Canuse any save file you previously has with any amount of tumors.
  • Timer starts when selecting + confirming The End on world map.
  • Timer ends on credits, like usual.
  • You have to reach all the ends of all worlds like usual- You can't just travel to last world. The idea is making this a bit like an "all levels" category that ignores the tumor collection like in any%. That means: Using warps isn't allowed except for coming back to The Split. you are only allowed to use the actual, visible warp gates in the end of Golgotha, SS. Exodus and Machine. no map warping. of course, warping to the end after whatever world you do last of the 3 split paths is fine.
  • Warp to the future using the actual friend in your house.

= = All Cartridges - Subcategories = = Now this is a bit obvious that this will exist, but it might be unclear to some how will this be seperated, so, There will be:

All Cartidges Done - RTA from entering your TV until you beat the last cart. Only need the "Bare minimum" listing on each cart. All Cartidges + Collectibles - RTA from entering your TV until you beat get the last "100% of Nothing!" Achievement on the all cartidges with said achievements, and beat every cart.

All Cartidges Complete - RTA from entering your TV until you get the last achievement on all carts. All numbers beside all carts.

== All Tumors - Subcategories = =

  • All small tumors Get all tumors from the non-secret areas in the game and beat the game. Timer starts on new save file start and ends on credits.
  • All 'maingame' tumors Get all tumors from both non-secret areas and ??? areas in the game and beat the game. Cartridge rewards not required. Timer starts on new save file start and ends on credits.
  • All possible tumors Get all tumors in the game, Including both the ones found throughout the world, secret areas and all cartidge rewards that bring tumors- And beat the game. Timer starts on new save file start and ends on credits.

== 100% == I think true 100% needs to be all possible tumours and all cartridge achievements- Sounds like the most sensible way unless there's some other thing I don't know of yet.

All I could think of ATM. the idea of "Interact with all NPCs" did pop up once in the discord and seemed interesting since they all have their own little ways to reach and have no additional rewards (i think?), so that might be fun.

Florida, USA

well, this is a discussion, so here's my opinions:

I'm generally not a fan of bloating speedrun leaderboards with subcategories that no one runs. Specifically "Clear intro cart" seems like a useless category, since its essentially defined as "Best ending + this random thing at the beginning". So there is essentially zero difference between the run/route except for the first few minutes. But if the ones you've listed prove to be competitive, then I obviously have no problem with it.

The name "Friend%" doesn't really make sense. Making the friend doesn't really denote the amount of % you have completed of the game. So I would change the name to "Make a Friend" or something similar, since that is more descriptive of what you're actually doing in that run.

As for the rules of categories that are already there, the rules:

Any%: "This category does not include clearing the intro cart" This seems obvious? As beating the intro cart is not required to beat the game. I don't see a point to including this.

All collectibles: "This category does not require collecting all keys." But you need the keys to unlock other collectibles. Its generally bad form to include things you're NOT doing in the speedrun, unless you're specifying to not use a specific glitch/trick/powerup/etc. Again seems like a pointless rule

General: "Runs must include video with minimal frame drops." This is a rule for every speedgame ever, is it not? Seems redundant to me.

New York, USA

If people want to run true ending separate from 100% they can. Some people would rather just do true ending than do all the carts because some of those are very difficult.


i love how pretty much the only categories from this that are in aside from the obvious are the two that ppl doubted anyone would run. # bring back all mega tumor rta 2k20

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