I have the game for both the PC and the Nintendo Switch and I noticed that there was a huge difference in the versions of each game. For PC I have version 1.19 which appears to be the current version of the game. For the Switch I have the physical release from Limited Run Games, and the version is 1.01. I'm unable to find the version that's sold in the e-shop, but I would assume it's 1.01 since when I use the software update option on the game it says there aren't any updates to the game.
Now the question I have has to do with the differences between versions. How much does the difference between version 1.01 vs 1.19 affect the run? I've already noticed a few changes in the damage output of some of the weapons in the early game and ran into a glitch where the party can become stuck in an endless running animation when trying to use the pause menu trick to reduce the hit box size when sneaking past enemies. Are their any major glitches in 1.01 that were patched in later version that could have an unfair advantage over 1.19 since the Switch version of the games doesn't seem to have an updated release?
The glitch you mentioned (pausing to bypass enemies) exists in the current PC version unless you're thinking od something else.
The main thing we wanted to avoid in splitting the categories was the D1 exploit where enemies would despawn in battle and the glitch where starting a new file over a completed one would give you equipment you shouldn't have. The former was fixed pretty fast, but we wanted to avoid version-hunting.
I have to imagine the 1.01 Switch version is not homologous to the PC 1.01 version given the release dates, and is probably closer to the 1.19 patch than the PC 1.01, could be wrong though.
The bounty hunter tornado might be in the game. If you inspire his uncontrollable attack he may keep attacking until the targeted unit dies.
But if you touch an enemy out of a pause on current patch you're more likely to crash than run into the fight.