Fungi Galore has been modified .-.-.-.-.-.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So WTF Do we do about existing runs remove them? something?
Paris_Labrador likes this
Alright now that I've been able to see the map it looks like maybe a 45-46 is possible for leaper and the runs will have to be removed :l and ofc Maxi is gonna be gone so now we w8 for fatty and tiggz
Can you demonstrate what the changes are? (I'll look myself if I don't get a response today). If the change is minimal I won't remove runs but if it's substantial we'll consider removal
Alright someone in discord actually showed me. me and tiggz will still need to talk about removal or penalty but I'm thinking removal
Recent runs
Level: Pirate Bay
Level: Frost Run
Level: Quiescent Pines
Level: Into The Jungle
Level: Into The Jungle