Several more possible category extensions
1 year ago
San José, CA, USA

Hello, I’m wanting to propose several new category extensions. I know that these idea are kind of ridiculous, but I just wanted to share them in case it turns out they could become a reality.

Nice%: Score 69 points in all games possible -Shooting Range -Table Tennis -Pose Mii -Maybe Find Mii -No Laser Hockey -No Billiards -No Fishing -Charge -Tanks

Pose Mii All Levels: Complete all levels of find mii. Timing ends when the Sleeping Lion background appears. There could possibly be a 5 and 10 level category too. For those, timing ends when those levels finish.

Charge (Jumpless): Complete charge without jumping once. Kinda dumb, but then again there is 100% x 100 so it doesn’t seem too far fetched.

Individual medal categories: Basically these would be category’s like Shooting Range: Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. Timing would start upon pressing start and ends once the specific Medal has been attainted.

Thank you for taking your time to read this excessively long message and I hope that at least one of the ideas above has some merit.


I don’t think any new categories need to be added, but to debunk some of those categories:

100 Fish is really the meme category for Wii Play, I don’t think the mods are gonna wanna add another (or they might idk).

Charge jumpless seems useless and just makes charge more annoying than anything.

Medal marathon is the only thing you can do with individual medal categories, as something like a bronze medal run wouldn’t leave room for much optimization.

This is just my opinion at the end of the day, so do what you want with that information.

Pennsylvania, USA

thank you for your input! other than nice% which we're definitely not adding, these are some pretty good suggestions. charge jumpless would definitely fit in with the other charge challenges and pose mii all levels would be cool to try to optimize. as for individual medal categories, some of them wouldn't really work that well due to having very little or no room for improvement (like laser hockey and table tennis), but others would definitely be nice to have. we could consider adding those to the IL grid and just making some of the resulting categories unsubmittable.

anyway, we'll be discussing these shortly. if you'd like to weigh in, i'd encourage you to join our discord server ( and go to the #wii-play channel since that's where we'll probably be talking about it. thanks!

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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