Playing as Luigi
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

I don’t have too much familiarity with galaxy 2, so sorry if this is a stupid question. Is there a cheat code that could be used to start the game as Luigi, or is that impossible, and if so why?

Georgia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

There is a ROM hack, but it is not the base game so it isn't allowed

Hong Kong

There is one, see the resources. It won't be allowed on here, but if enough people run it we could always have a category extension or romhack board :)

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New restart mod for singlestar runs!

Hey SMG2 runners! After testing/confirming that Evanbowl's restart mod does not affect cycles or the in-game timer (thank you Shadow64), we're happy to announce that it will be allowed for single star runs ONLY. This will not be allowed for world RTA, all stars, normal stars, or green star runs. Add

7 days ago
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