Suggestion – Tags for each Game
4 years ago

I could wish there was a better way to search for new games. One way to do this would be to have more parameters to sort by when looking through the list of games. If each community is given the option to tag their games by relevant tags (i.e. RPG, Horror, Stealth, Adventure, etc), similarly to how it's done on Twitch, then you could sort by a tag when you try to find new games to watch or pick up. I feel like this could help a lot, making it easier to navigate through the games and find and explore new games and communities.


There used to be a way to use search games by tags (under the hood, games still have tags for Genre, Developer, Publisher, and Engine that aren't used for anything), but the implementation was pretty flawed. I don't know if there are plans to overhaul that system in the near future.

Though, even with a much better system I'm not sure how useful sorting by "genre" really is. I wrote a pretty detailed post about this a while ago, so I'll just quote that directly (was written as a response to someone who wanted to look for racing games specifically). [quote=ShikenNuggets]The main problem was that they were write-in, and as a result there were like 20 different variations of "action-adventure" since there was no consistent spelling for anything, it was just whatever people had decided to type in (same problem with all tags). The whole system was a cluttered mess and hard to use because of that. Genre definitions are also extraordinarily vague. What the heck does "action-adventure" or "RPG" or "puzzle" mean, exactly? We have a general idea of what these things are referring to (our own idea that doesn't line up with everybody else's), but these terms are so generic that probably 95% of all games could apply all 3 of those "genres". It's meaningless.

Granted, something like "Racing" is a lot more well-defined, but even that can be somewhat ambiguous. For games with racing elements (perhaps even entire racing segments/categories) that are not primarily focused on those elements, such as Jak 3 or Batman Arkham Knight, should those be tagged as racing games? Someone like you might be interested in them or their racing elements, so maybe they should be, but I also would never consider either of those to be Racing games (and if I did tag Arkham Knight as racing, I'd also have to tag it as Shooter, RPG, Puzzle, Stealth, and 15 other things that it doesn't really tick the box for).

Is it better than nothing? Perhaps. But it's a very faulty system, and I think relying on it to find your next speedgame is a mistake (and relying on games being tagged properly, which they aren't, and as described above it's unclear what "properly" actually means).

The other tags, like "Engine", or "Publisher", are just not useful sorting criteria at all, IMO.[/quote]

Edited by the author 4 years ago