So.. About that v0.8..
7 years ago

Hey guys, been doing Sanicball speedruns "offline" since it's appearance on AGDQ those years back, and I'm thinking about making my live debut, or something..

Quite recently (if you can call October '16 "recently"), BK-TN released v0.8. Will this be treated as with v0.7 (as in not really cared about)¤1 ? I also noticed in an earlier forum post, the idea of a v0.6.2 category, and a current patch category? How's that gonna pan out?

¤1 I may be totally wrong here, don't mind that comment if I am.


Forgot to include the fact that BK-TN also updated Green Hill Zone, and is now totally different. May be a patch late to mention, but still.

Also, if I may come with ideas for the current patch run (that being v0.8), start timer when you hit Ready in the ready-room, and split/stop timer when you hit the last checkpoint in the stage?

Thanks for taking time to read this, btw :) Cheers

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Yeah, i downloaded the version this week too because of the change on GHZ and boy, it looks totally different. 0.8 is not comparable with 0.6.2 and would need to be a separate issue, specially if bk-tn keeps on reworking stuff. I still think we should have 0.6,2 as the default one since it is the fastest but a "current patch" category would be neat too for people who like that version more.

You could even keep the subcategories the same (2 laps, super sanic, 3 laps) for them both and would work fine as well.

Instead of cutting only the time changing course menuing, why not just go for the IGT route and only time the 5 stages times and add them up? That way would be more consistent around all future versions (unless new reworks are made) and could still be applied on the more popular version. AUto splitter would be nice but i don't think anyone really cares about the game to go to that extent.

Need the mods to give their opinions too.


I did a run on current patch a couple hours back, recorded it, and am now in the process of uploading to YT, so y'all can see what I thought would work. Smart me chose to upload the 800-something MB file, instead of running it through some video editing software to compress it to a more bearable size..

Anyhow, there's a menu-thing I found, where you can toggle ready before changing the stage (to cut time). Would that be too much of a "cheat"? Plus, if v0.6.2 is gonna be a set-in-stone category, there should at least be a place we can still get that version of the game.

Sidenote, run was done with Metal Sanic. If v0.8 is gonna be a real category, I'll keep the run void until we know if Metal Sanic has special properties or not.


So after 11 hours, the video is finally uploaded, and can be found here,

BK-TN has a devblog, by the way, on, which could be worth following, or at least checking out every once in a while. Last update post was screenshots of the revamped Flame Core stage, so the game is progressing, slowly, but surely.

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

About the menu exploit, i think it is very clever and not a cheat at all. Definitely usable for runs as it speeds things through. Also, Poe has been inactive for 5 months so the best bet to talk with a mod is kykinson. Not sure if he keeps himself updated with the game but I'll send him a pm on discord and twitter so he take a look here.

I took a look at the bk-tn tumblr as well and he did mention about re-working all the existing stages and adding a new one on the future. If we add a category on the leaderboard, what would happen to all times that may come through on 0.80v when the new update hits? Will it be wiped and the runs would be stored on a forum post for historic purposes? Create a new leaderboard?

About the 0.6.2, i can upload it on mega or something and list it as a resource on the leaderboard so everyone can get access.

From what I saw metal sonic is normal speed compared to the other guys. The dev mentioned chermy being faster so that's something to consider as well when thinking about 0.8.


Awesome, thanks for looking through the tumblr, seeing how I'm just a lazy bag atm :v

It'd be great to have a download for 0.6.2, seeing how that's probably gonna be the (current) definitive run patch, with the mods activity 'n stuff. As for the "current patch" category, granted it's not the same thing, since this game is still in development, Diablo 2 got an update, fairly recently (well, compared to the lifetime of the game at least) fixing some bugs and updating the online stuff, if I'm not mistaken. Technically, that'd make the game another patch from the game being speedrun (speedran?) previously, and would take some effort to work out, no matter the amount.

All in all, I'd love for that run I posted earlier to be legit, but I guess I'll just have to live with it never being. FeelsBadMan ( ._.)

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

I'm sure Kykinson will show up sooner or later, I sent him a tweet and a PM on Twitch since his Discord info is incomplete. He is active but it may take a couple days for him to look at this thread. Maybe getting a third mod could be benefical since he has so much more games to take care of.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Thanks for uploading 0.6.2!

Now, playing through ¤all levels - 2 laps¤ once, I felt kinda weird, tbh. A couple "bunts", where I just hit the ground and almost stopped completely, probably from weird collision detection, and there were some balancing changes from 0.6.2 to 0.8.1 (ofc), but more so than I anticipated. I could take the last turn in Dusty Desert easily if I just let go of the acceleration in 0.6.2, but I have to break quite a lot in 0.8.1. I don't have to talk about GHZ, for obvious reasons.

It also seems that I can't make OBS capture 0.6.2 as a game, so I have to do a window capture, which didn't really work out in my favor.. I'm talking horrible video capture over perfect audio capture. The video stops suddenly, jumps those 5 seconds, etc. Though this may be a problem with my laptop (seeing how it's 5 years, or so, at this point).

Anyways, We'll see how this works out.


I'll still stand for 0.8.2 (or current patch) being a legit category :v

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