Glitchless category?
2 years ago
Texas, USA

I noticed there wasn’t a glitchless Any% board. I’m not a part of this SR community, but is this something that’s been talked about? Seems like it’d be a fun category, and I would certainly run it! Just beating all the puzzles as intended as quick as possible.

They/Them, It/Its
2 years ago

imo Inside doesn't really need a glitchless category on the leaderboard. there's the usual problem of "what should and shouldn't be defined as a glitch" -- for example, fast door raises, fast plank pulls, superswim, dying while hitting checkpoints. also, most hard skips in the game don't come from glitches at all but simply precise movement to allow cycle saves. even if we banned those as well and made it a sort of "intended%" category it would generally just be a slower and less difficult any%, not really adding enough to justify separating it. the only parts of the game that are more technical when done glitchless or intended(just doing a cursory comparison to current wr since i haven't been around in a bit) are the early safe area in City, the movement section from Office to getting inside the tank, and the autoscroller section of Lineup (which is... an autoscroller).

to be clear i highly recommend running glitchless or anything you want regardless of what srcom categories exist for people to compare ""formally,"" as someone who has run categories and whole games that aren't on here it's extremely liberating. plus, having already done the run and getting other people interested in trying it as well is the best way to get it added eventually anyways

0hMalleyCat likes this

Bit late to this, but we now have No Major Skips as a category, which bans basically all glitches and should be pretty close to what you are asking for!

0hMalleyCat likes this
United States

I did Any% No Major Skips bc I don’t wanna learn skips lol