Is a 30s video from switch valid to submit
2 years ago
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

I can't record my switch for full runs but i was wondering if 30s clips recorded from the switch could be used to submit a time to the leaderboards (As soon as the final time appears clip the last 30s)


Yes but not for wr

Basque Country

lol i dont think that goes around WR it has to be the full video p sure for colliseum runs or some kind of that, with short battles divided each of the other, p sure you can clip every battle and put all of them together tho that wouldnt realy work for the most of the categories


Ig but I don’t think it’s valid


If you just submit a compilation of clips we could never be 100% sure that all are from the same session.

Just record it on ur phone or something

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