Moderators removed without notice
3 years ago

Moderators @rollbuster and @Skavenger216 were removed from Castlevania: Rondo of Blood ( ) without notice. The current mod knows nothing about it. Is there a rule I missed about inactivity on the site/leaderboard? Cause these users weren't removed from other games.

O.D.W. likes this

The current mod is busy at the moment, so we gotta wait to see the audit log, but she says that it wasn't her doing. Also like I said those two users (as far as we can tell) were not removed from any other game(s). I'm mainly posting to see if anyone else has had this problem. Cause we know site staff isn't going to chime in lmao.

O.D.W. likes this

Yeah my guess is it's some content mod fuckery. At least I'd hope that no part of elo's new system would nuke mods from leaderboards lmao.

O.D.W. and 6oliath like this
New York, USA

For what it's worth, Skavenger216 hasn't logged into his account in three months and Rollbuster hasn't logged into his account in two years.

Walgrey likes this

Right. I'm not worried about them being removed, but rather the process.


[quote]At very least I think random users (not mods) chiming in to remove inactive mods is extremely dumb.[/quote] I very much agree. Reminds me of when NES leaderboards had stock rules put in place by a content mod(s) without permission of leaderboard mods.


The issue has been resolved. It was just a request for mod, and apparently policy is to remove inactive mods if a request is made. Kind of weird, as it could leave boards in limbo just because someone stepped away for 3 months.


Shows how this new support hub just made it more difficult for everyone involved.

Everything would've been clear straight away if the request is made on an open place.

skyweiss, Amei and 7 others like this

I mean to be fair, random users being added as mods wouldn't occur if there were no inactive mods for the game in the first place.


The game has an active mod. A very impatient new runner didn't care and submitted a request regardless. In the case of Rondo, despite both the mods being inactive on SRC, they're active on social media. Both mods shouldn't just be nuked cause someone submitted a request. The OG mod request thread, as messy as it was, really was the best solution for this stuff.


and it doesn't make any sense in the first place when there is still an active mod besides those inactive ones. So basically two mods were removed for no reason and nothing changed for the requesting user since there was still an active third mod that is verifying the runs. It's a different story if there are no active mods at all and the requesting user gets mod so runs can be verified. But this was just not the case here.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing it up for me.


That could lead to similar problems. It really doesn't have a simple solution.

It's already been the case that active moderators could request removal of inactive super moderators from the game. Currently, they seem to have pegged the inactivity at 3+ months without logging in, if I'm parsing that section of the support hub correctly. Previously, the moderator request thread said this about it: [quote]• The removal of inactive Super Moderators should be requested by other moderators of the same leaderboard.

• If a Super Moderator is inactive, we require other moderators to perform a substantial amount of effort themselves in reaching out to these inactive Super Moderators in order to request that they remove themselves first.[/quote]


Yeah that's the preferred way to go about it, rather than site staff removing super mods because someone submitted a mod request, even when one of three mods are active.

New York, USA

I fully support cleaning up boards by getting rid of inactive moderators.