How do you do the ball skip in act 1???
5 months ago
Seattle, WA, USA

For a while I've been doing a trick where I use the trash can to die early and get to the cutscene, but I've been trying to do the ball glitch where you run into the ball and die to save time. I try to grab window like instructed in BigBoi's video, but I just waste 30 seconds trying to grab it and not make my cursor go back into the game. If I do successfully grab my window (which is almost never) I just don't die to the ball. Does anyone know how to do this properly and/or consistently? Thank you so much.


You have to make sure you're in windowed mode and while the act 1 cutscene is playing press windows, and then click the white bar then skip the cutscene, then click and hold for around half a second and do it three times.

United States

well if you dont want to do it the hard way, what i do is press F11 and that makes me catch up to the ball so its your choice take the easy route and press F11 over and over, or you can do it the hard way. your choice cause i aint gonna tell you what to do.

United States

Hey. I found an Easier way, because for some reason the "clicking on the white bar" strategy does not work. I reccomend using "ALT+SPACE" at the same bpm and pressing enter. make sure to continue holding "SHIFT+W" for it to work, otherwise the player will not be moving. What this would consist of is below: "SHIFT+W" [hold] Repeat 3 times ⬇️{

"ALT+SPACE" Wait ~0.5s }

Theoretically that should work. Reminder that it only works in WINDOWED MODE. I just find it easier and more repeatable. Generally I beleive you need to click in the window when the cutscene starts to make sure windows knows what application to freeze.

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