The game has change of level elements, I will have to organize leaderboard
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Hmm it seems that there is quite a bit of rng involved when you start the game because many times each reset had different characters. If I got a double battle with Shippo and Sango, I would restart.
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A good idea is to make a category for each playable character. It's just rng whether you get a good level or not
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GustavoPredador likes this
I will create separate levels of characters for each console, if I'm not mistaken for inuyasha are 3 levels
is that I can't mix different levels in the same category would be a little unfair to those who already did
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Megumin0 likes this
it's 3 different levels
I will create 3-level subcategories for each character
Megumin0 likes this
by level does that mean those glowing lights? or the characters?
GustavoPredador likes this
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