Not able to show splits on stream
6 years ago

I play on switch so i cant use the load remover and i also dont have a powerful enough computer to show splits on screen but I still wanna run these games

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

You can use the load remover on Switch, it's image based, not memory based. Also, you can put the timer on the video after the run, even my laptop from 2009 could do that.

Virginia, USA

Like Cameron said, if you record the run and then play it back with the load remover running and record it again, you should be good to go. Shouldn’t put too much strain on any computer to do that.


oh ok, thanks! so the load remover can be used for any console?

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

Load remover is an extension to livesplit, the best way to use it on consoles is to use a capture card to capture the video to your pc. load remover targets a window, you want this to target crash, and for that it needs to be on your pc, as stated above here, either record it in some way first, and then re-record it on pc with a timer on the side. im srry if this is hard to understand, but the simple answer is yes,


ok i got it! thanks guys for the help! I watched the setup tutorial so i kinda get how it works. guess i cant use a facecam on my game screen

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

the only thing now is i need some help setting up the load remover. i set it up like the tutorial but then it just doesnt show up in livesplit

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
Virginia, USA

Make sure to change your timing method to Game Time if you haven’t.


ohhh ok thanks

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

did that and it still wont show up. if someone could help me on discord, thatd be great

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

nvm, finally got it! thanks for the help guys! Excited to start running soon

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