Mod Application
6 years ago
New York, USA

Hello, all. I was wondering if I could possibly be mod for Wii Party. I love running the game, and I would be able to verify runs at a much quicker rate than they're getting verified right now (Alaskaxp2 told me he still has Minigame IL's awaiting verification after submitting them about 1 or more weeks ago). I also interact with the community more than some of the mods seem to. Also, I noticed that some runs need retiming and I'd be happy to fix em' up. I do have mod experience, as I'm a mod for Wii Sports Club and the Multiple Wii Sports Series leaderboard.

I just want to help out, and if you don't think I shouldn't be mod, I understand. One last thing, If I can't be mod, could I at least be a Verifier so that runs can get verified quicker?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
BluePiñata, McKiddy and 3 others like this
United States

I would like to throw out here that I agree that Wii Party needs an active mod. We have runs waiting to be accepted and no response from anyone.

I completely back Gamingland on being mod. He is super active within the Wii Series Discord, he does so many runs, and always is helpful. He is also mod for Multiple Wii Series and Wii Sports Club. He won't disappoint, he will definitely be a smart pick for mod.

But yes, you seriously need to think about picking up a new mod to accept runs. Other good picks would be Wii Series mod Wipeoutjack7 or Wii Sports Resort/Wii Sports Club mod Alaskaxp2.

Cheers, Cmdr - Wii Series Discord Admin Public Relations Mod of Wii Sports Resort

BluePiñata, Wipeoutjack7 and 2 others like this
New York City, NY, USA

An active mod or even verifier would be nice. I currently have a total of 12 runs waiting to be verified from over the course of around 2 weeks. GamingLand is very active and reliable so I'm sure he would make a great mod.

BluePiñata, McKiddy, and DeclanWS like this
Georgia, USA

I 100% agree, Wii party needs more mods, it’s an amazing game and deserves to be treated well. Gamingland would make a great mod, he has put in tons of time to help me make the multiple wii series games page look as good as it does now, so trust me, he would be a great and dedicated mod. I’d also be up to help wether being a mod or verifier, I check src every day and would be happy to help.

p.s. the Wii sports discord has become the Wii series discord, if you are interested click here:

Edited by the author 6 years ago
rec and DeclanWS like this
New York, USA

Well since Randomno decided to demote himself for some reason now there are only 3 supermods available to mod someone. Those 3 also happen to be the most inactive mods in the community


United Kingdom

@BashCross @AdamLikeScars @AntoninZeKing please join the Discord server to discuss this before making any surprise decisions. Also @Danish_Soda if you want to discuss it. I demoted myself to avoid being the only supposedly active person who can make a decision because I don't want to do anything without discussing it.

@AdamLikeScars since the tag didn't seem to work

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Danish_Soda, Cmdr, and DeclanWS like this
Ohio, USA

Can I be a mod too please

Ohio, USA

Like the same thing I like this game I have been playing it since I was 8 years old

Ohio, USA

And starting to run the game at nine years old to be honest but I did not put it up cause I didn’t have a YouTube account yet

New York, USA

The reason I applied wasn't because I love playing the game, it's because this game really needs more active mods and a mod that'll actually verify sh-t. I want to see this game grow even more, as do most of you. In my opinion, someone shouldn't become mod just because they love the game. Having mod experience should also be a factor in a game this size.

BluePiñata, Wipeoutjack7 and 2 others like this
Georgia, USA

Also in case it’s unclear, gamingland isn’t saying that he dosnt love the game, he’s Just saying that shouldn’t be the only reason you want mod. (Hope no one orginally thought that lol)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
rec and DeclanWS like this
Ohio, USA

No I know the game and I man not saying that I like the game I really like to speedrun it

Georgia, USA

The same still applies, you shouldn’t be asking for mod just because you like the game/like the run

rec likes this
British Columbia, Canada

I'm all in favour of GamingLand becoming a mod. He's already very active in the community and in running this game. Not to mention, there are a lot of inactive mods for the leaderboard which postpones the verification process to the point where it could discourage new runners from playing the game. On a final note, there are quite of a few runs that might need retiming or double-checking, and I think GamingLand can do a good job of cleaning the leaderboard.

New York, USA

To update the situation, Antonin said he approves of me becoming mod. He's checking with BashCross and Adam before he does anything, however.

BluePiñata likes this
Florida, USA

I just came back from a trip outsite of my country, so in the past few days I didn't have the time to check runs. There were about +20 runs without check so I complety agreed with that we need a more active mod or verifier. On the other hand, @GamingLand, please take your time to do the stuff, because the only runs that left to be verified was like 4 or 5, all above +20mins, and you just verified it in like 2min.

BluePiñata likes this