Chapter 3 glitch
4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Okay so I was playing through Chapter 3 to get the trapdoor open on Xbox one and when getting to Alice Angel's first appearance when I hit the xbox menu button it skipped her dialogue and went straight to her jumpscare and played her last line for that sequence. This doesn't work on the cutscene later (It just silences her.) and I was wondering if it was able to be replicated on PS4, Switch or PC.

If you want me to show video I will over the weekend. It seems to work when the game is forced paused (Exiting to desktop and stuff like that)


Oh that's interesting, if you can send us a video of that that would be nice :D

Pennsylvania, USA

Oh of course I will, you'll have to wait till the weekend. Also keep in mind that I've only preformed the trick once so I don't know it was just a glitch. Though I'll try to replicate it :)

Pennsylvania, USA

Here it is I may make a new thread for this if it is needed. (Not everywhere has been tested yet.) This is also my personal account, I don't like my main to be filled with random things. Um edit here, I was able to move the dialogue forward by doing it multiple times (Even displaying the subtitles for previous lines after they were said.)(Needs more testing to see where this is able to occur.)

Edited by the author 4 years ago
AbbyAsha, Forthestars, and Saiyaku like this

That's actually cool, this needs some further researches :D

AbbyAsha and starbonnie like this
Texas, USA

im trying but i dont think this is possible on pc, ive tried recreating your actions an everything, ive walked into the room and spammed the menu key as fast as i could, im changed the ink glob but i just cant get it to happen on pc


I tried to recreate this on switch multiple times, but its system doesn't actually have a menu that forces a game to toogle it's pause screen. The closest one would be removing a joy-con to show this controller synchronization thing, but it doesn't make the game show it's pause UI. In conclusion, I don't think it's possible on switch, probably on PlayStation tho...

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Strange, I thought it would work on PC after hitting the windows button cause usually that's programmed to bring up the pause menu. Though even if it was able to be done on other areas I've only found two uses (I haven't tested the elevator cause I don't know where all the hearts are.) and not much of Sammy's dialogue can be skipped from what I saw. (Along with skipping some of alice's between task lines from the looks of things.)

Pennsylvania, USA

Hey everyone quick question. Does the weapon for alice spawn during or after her last line?

Florida, USA

I think it spawns when the save icon appears after her speech

Florida, USA

wait what do you mean exactly

Pennsylvania, USA

after she tells you to come her door and explains your objective to you. Talking about the last line when she says to "go get them."/"this may serve useful." sorta thing. Does the weapon container open during or after that.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago


starbonnie likes this
Florida, USA

thanks mipha lol

Pennsylvania, USA

Than the glitch works to skip the last line of a dialogue. Also while going through chapter 3 you can skip Alice's window jumpscare not just leading up to it and going straight to the "I see you there." the screen doesn't even fade out so you can see the laughing animation she randomly has I think.

Can skip the last line on the black screen as well. Also haven't tested the elevator yet with the ending dialogue

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

This glitch is currently not allowed in runs

starbonnie likes this
Florida, USA

I wished this worked on any other platform

Pennsylvania, USA

dang it. I'm not running (whether any% or IL) than cause the only way to be fast for that chapter is do something that doesn't work on console. (wait sorry that's load times xbox hates me with that. Took like 2 minutes to load a couple times.)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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