I can haz 8192 and 16384 categories plz?
I think its not a really important category but if other runner want it i can add it
misterLO472 likes this
It's less arbitrary than all this crap that doesn't beat the game
misterLO472 and DracaarysTrophy like this
That's for sure. Especially all the relays... those aren't necessary or even wanted really. I had an idea just for a 8-2048 relay, and you made it was more than that. I'd personally like 8192 and 16384 categories, and they shouldn't be counted as miscellaneous either.
misterLO472 and DracaarysTrophy like this
Personally I reach 4096s pretty often, but don't reach 8192s very much
DracaarysTrophy likes this
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