Starting codes
1 month ago
United States

Are starting codes allowed to be used for a run? I was under the impression that you couldn't, it isn't specified in the rules. I definitely wouldn't have wasted time doing non-code runs if it's allowed. Thanks for clarification

ShesChardcore likes this
Georgia, USA

To my knowledge starting codes are not allowed, I spent a ton of time on my non-code runs. Need some clarification from the mod.

ShesChardcore likes this
Denver, CO, USA

I don't think codes should be allowed.

"but Char, Win lose or draw allows codes" while this is true, these are different games mechanically. Part of this run is seed manipulation to get a known puzzle and even board if your timing is solid. WLD literally shows you the puzzle code that you're on in the options so I'm assuming the decision was "let people not have to reset forever until they randomly get the right code" since IIRC there is no way to manip it in that game. This game is different and has more moving parts.

hollygorock likes this
United States

Since not allowing use of codes obviously impacts my run (and one other), I may as well weigh in. Whatever is decided is what it is. I respect the hell out of everyone here so please don't take any sense of combative tone from my writing. Also, my comments are only meant for this game and not generally across boards.

  1. Codes being banned is not in the rules. Of course, rules can be added retroactively as things come up, and can be used to retroactively remove runs that new rules impact. That is a community decision and a mod decision.

  2. Time spent is absolutely respectable but shouldn't necessarily be a major factor in whether something should or shouldn't be allowed, especially when the new strategy cannot easily compete with top times.

  3. Solely basing puzzle manipulation on a code is not a competitive advantage to seed manipulation in this game. Outside of which puzzles you get (pre-determining which answers to enter), this method does not set the two tiles that are best to flip to get to solve a puzzle. Therefore, while it has a competitive advantage over those that play blindly, it does not have a competitive advantage over seed manipulation, which can both set the puzzle and the tile placement. Then it comes down to how quickly you answer the two puzzles and how quickly you answer the final puzzle. With codes, you could get super lucky and get early wild tiles for each puzzle and then a great final puzzle setup, but that is random and not as pre-determined as effective seed manipulation execution.

You could use this method to figure out the code that gives two great puzzles to answer, but then you need to reset like crazy to hope for the right random tiles for the two puzzles. Maybe you could combine it with timing start press on the main screen to get both, but those that understand the seed manipulation would have to weigh in.

In short, this board will either end up with 3 levels of times, or 2 levels of times (all of which have significant enough gaps in time to separate them).

3 Levels: Those with effective seed manipulation, those that used codes, and those that played blindly.

2 Levels: Those with effective seed manipulation, and those that played blindly.

Given I am of two people currently affected by a proposed rule addition, I will accept whatever is decided.

hollygorock likes this
Georgia, USA

Honestly, if codes can help us all bring the time down even more I think it's cool. Having said that, seed manip is cooler :)

Either way I'm now interested in picking up the game again, haha.

ShesChardcore and Zarc0nis like this
United States

Zodanor just got a 1:41 and is pushing for 1:3x. Check out his twitch. Could be the hottest battle in 2025. Haha

Georgia, USA


Texas, USA

I honestly am not familiar with the NES version. My knowledge is in the DOS version. That said, I could make a separate category allowing codes if that's something you guys would want.

United States

I say just keep one board.

Västra Götaland, Sweden

"Should be common sense to not use continueation codes in a speedrun. This is not a new game+ run. It shouldn't need to be in the rules. Just like using turbo, starting from save states, using lua scrips ect ect. These are all things that should not be needed to be in the rules for every single category for every single game. they are all NO on default unless stated otherwise.

Both code runs are mediocre so if you two care so much about your "dirty" runs, keep them in but in the future codes should be a no go.

Kind regards from your elits speedrunner with a working brain ZodaNOR"

Messenger for Zoda, as he is to elitist to use SRC.

United States

thumbs up

Denver, CO, USA

Looks like I need to take another crack at this now.

hollygorock likes this
Georgia, USA

Looks like I need to take another crack at this now.

ShesChardcore likes this
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