racist community
1 year ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

This speed run community is evil..... I has been banned forever for "cheat" when blastbolt is cheat. Also all of the good china's players also banned for "cheat" but they are just better than you...... why ban only the china's players for cheat but no body else but also me because i am young talent

Valmerix, GarboTrash and 2 others like this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

its binits fault no ours smh.

Nova Scotia, Canada

Who is binit?? theyre name is not appearing in the moderators. the fault is valmerix and grossi and codyumm and vanya and thefirstoreo and blastbolt and crumpet and chory and squillybobjoe and trixobg and leviathan307 and loop and c7v2 they have the authority to accept the runs of cheats like blastbolt..... what if i was right and i am right that blastbolt is a cheat---- then how can you even put a stop to his cheat when he is the super moderator who is bigger than all the other moderators? the "best" runners of the board should not be the super moderators for this reason they are all easy able to be cheats and every one trust since they are the moderator and they are the verification of their own run

Brungo, gois3r and 3 others like this
Massachusetts, USA

man this is so sad I cant believe blastbolt (aka an ai created by binit) is cheat :( :( :(

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Nova Scotia, Canada

SO binit is a coder? this is like AS13B the coder? Every coder is a cheat then.... Every one knows AS13B is a cheat who is a coder ---- and now binit is a coder who is also a cheat. The coders know how to cheat so they will. This is because it is the same as the story of the forbiddin fruit they cannot help them self to the temptation of cheat as the players who know how they can make cheats

ShOk and GarboTrash like this
United States

Skill issue

Sfu0 and BRANGA like this
Nova Scotia, Canada

NO skill issue to me.... I am young talent, you are young cheat. Your strongest skill of this game without cheats is slower than the time of 1:30. My strongest is better.

GarboTrash likes this
United States

What is your evidence

Nova Scotia, Canada

You ban the chinese since they achieve better than 1:14. You do not ban yourself for this equal achievement. 1:13 so suspicsous that it deserves the examination and ban because you know it is not a possible time for humans.

Nova Scotia, Canada

The 1:13 deserves ban but the 1:00 deserves praise? No it also deserves ban

United States

Then why did I let a chinese run pass me on the leaderboards twice

Massachusetts, USA

Does that mean im cheat too???!??!?!????!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

joggins likes this
Nova Scotia, Canada

YOU blastbolt let it happen so the internet does not see you rig the board in your favor... you for see the internet threads calling you a pillock and fear banning the chinese more than you already did

United States

We have banned way more people than just the Chinese

Nova Scotia, Canada

But never the runner of the united states since your xylophobia

United States

I am very scared of trees, yes

Valmerix, BRANGA and 2 others like this
Nova Scotia, Canada

Not the fear of trees! It is the HATRED of other country residents

United States

I would check your facts

Los Angeles, CA, USA

i knew this kids logic was dumb but not THIS dumb lmaoo

Nova Scotia, Canada

XENOPHOBE not xylophobe IM APOLOGIES! But not a real sorry, because you are xenophobe.

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