9 years ago

I will post here some questions which have been asked recently to save them from being asked in the future, if you do have anymore questions in the future please post them under this section.

A. Yes it is, as long as you are getting all the "F2P" quests done then it is fine

A. Yes you are allowed to set up an account specifically for the quest that you can use each time you do the run. Check out this run for a bit of guidance: http://www.speedrun.com/run/emk79wvy

More questions will be add soon, so if you have any please post them here.

Edited by TheDarkestUno 7 years ago
Michigan, USA

I was looking to submit a category that I did for fun today.

It was a clue scroll speedrun: easy through elite.

Was wondering if this could have a category.

You'd have to prove that you were on the first step of each clue. I could easily do a few steps of a hard clue and then claim that my hard clue was on first step and I got really good RNG. I think for RuneScape to be taken seriously as a speedgame there should be multiple competitive categories where the only requirement is the ability to create a new ironman account. Having to buy a bond for every reset if you want to get a good time would deter over 90% of people who might consider running OSRS.

United States

Why are there no skilling categories such as "Gain 100k xp in such and such a skill"? I've read through a few posts in this forum and people tend to lean toward there being quests because there is RNG and there might be interesting differences in routes.

So while it might not be of popular opinion, I kind of like the idea of getting a certain amount of xp as fast as possible. People might argue that it would be weird to measure or it's just tech skill of doing the same thing over and over, but that appeals to me. This would of course exclude the use of xp gain items like lamps.

An example might be getting 100k mining xp where the fastest method is doing tick manipulation at the quarry.

Any thoughts?

United States

You covered a few ground reasons why we don't have categories such like the one you suggested (I.E fastest to get to X amount of xp in a skill).

 You are right in that the categories we have now all revolve around quest completion (besides Tutorial Island), and that's because Runescape as a game is an MMORPG, thus does not have an end goal. However, quests fill that "end goal" for speedrun purposes and allow us to make categories that have a "definitive end goal". You also hit the head on the nail in saying that have an open-ended quest completion speedrun allows for routing differences and thus routing competition and making. 

 When it comes to skilling categories (gain X xp in the fastest time), there will always be the one absolute fastest method and no deviation will occur. However, you could argue that in the end, for most speedruns, there will always be a route that's fastest in the end and will be the sole route being run, which I can see that point. With these skilling categories as well, people who aren't at 99 in the skill are at a disadvantage because of how the game works (i.e. Fastest to 100k woodcutting, someone with 99 woodcutting would be able to cut trees down faster than someone with 50 woodcutting). So have something like a skilling category already limits the amount of people that can participate (which with Runescape as a speedgame, we aren't a very popular speedgame to begin with).

 Breaking these paragraphs up a little more, so it isn't a big wall of text. The next problem I can see with skilling categories is that they will 99.99% of the time will require members, which all of our current categories don't require members. This is for good reason too. As a speedgame, you want to make it as accessible as possible, and having F2P categories allows for everyone to have the chance at participating and whenever you reset, you don't need to spend more money (ingame or real) to fund your member's account. I can see the argument of "Well, since it's a skilling category, you don't have to start an entire new account to reset the run." Which is fair, but brings me to my next point.

 You mentioned that skilling categories might not be of popular opinion, which I would have to agree with. Just from a new moderator's perspective (I'm the newest one, but I've been with the community since January 2016 when things first really kicked off), one of the criteria we look at when adding categories is how active will they be. In other words, if it were to be put up as a category, how many people would actively run it. For example, we as a moderation team thought about adding Raid speedrun times, but we didn't in the end because we didn't think the interest was there. Alongside my other points earlier about how limiting skilling categories can be and how the interest in them is already limited, I don't think most people would be interested in skilling categories. NOW, that's not to say that we're not open to the idea. If all of a sudden there were a group of people that wanted a skilling category, we as moderators and as a community would decide on whether to add it or not. Basically, if the interest is there, we'll consider adding it, but I don't think there would be.

 Last thing, and this is just a personal opinion, but I think skilling categories are a bit arbitrary. HOWEVER, you could argue that the categories we have now are arbitrary too, and I couldn't bring up any arguments against that.


  1. Quests give us as speedrunners to definitive end goal in a game that doesn't have an end goal.
  2. Skilling categories wouldn't have routing deviations and there would always be the one true best method.
  3. People without 99's in the particular skilling category would be at a disadvantage when compared to other runners.
  4. The general interest in skilling categories is very limited. (In a game where speedrunners are already rare to come by)
  5. Skilling categories would 99.99% of the time require members. (which limits the amount of runners even further)

5.5) (Personal Opinion) Skilling categories are a bit arbitrary.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Hey guys, there was a category on here a while ago for all F2P quests, not ironman, just wondering what happened to it as I'm looking to go for the record. Cheers

It was members non ironman all f2p quests. The category can be re-added if people do runs

Wait it was P2P? I thought the only runner was EZScape and he only did F2P runs?


How the fuck am I supposed to beat CGUILD% when there's bots every fucking where these days lol, they disrupt mining segment and wine buying segment

Western Australia, Australia

A quick question before i start running the 'IronMan ChampionsGuild Category" am i allowed to add an authenticator to my account before i start the run so i can take advantage of the 2kgp reward from the stronghold of security first reward chest at all,

I only ask since other runs in this category have previously used the chest, but im assuming that was before jagex made it so you had to add an authenticator to your account to claim the chest

Thanks in advance!

United States

Those runs actually required authenticator to be used in order to claim from the first chest.

So yeah, if you wanted to do a route with authenticator, you're good to go.

zipper559 likes this

How will the removal of PVP worlds affect the f2p champions guild speedrun, seeing as the fastest route by far involes using the PVP bank in lumbridge?

United States

I'm not entirely sure at this point, hopefully it doesn't come down to that as that change is tentative I believe.

That's something we would have to discuss within the community, i.e. discord.

I imagine if PVP worlds were entirely removed and never to come back, we would have to split the leaderboard into two categories, having something like a legacy category with runs that use PVP worlds and another category with those that don't.

Just my idea of what might happen, but take it with a grain of salt.

Utah, USA

I'd say just add another tag, like multi-log.

Florida, USA

Hello. I would like to add a category. First to level 5 in all free to play stats on a brand new account.

Rules: Must be ironman. Must be done only on free to play worlds. (world hopping is allowed but only free to play worlds)

Free to play quests are allowed.

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Why not add a leaderboard for every boss?, it would require a timer overlay or time verification but that's normal for any game.

Utah, USA

@Unrot I think the issue is lack of people wanting to submit for them.

Arizona, USA

Meme speedrun? Could this be made into a category? :)

Edited by the author 3 years ago