Questions About Glitchless
1 year ago
United States

For the glitchless run it notes both wire zips and butterfly gliding as glitches although I haven't seemed to find any references to the true definition of these terms. Does the wire zips apply to any time where you use the zipline function(for instance with the line launcher between the 2 parts of the boat in the Final Offer) or is there some sort of out of bounds or storage glitch that the rule pertains to? And as for butterfly giliding is that just referring to glide bombing and then pulling up with the right timing to gain essentially infinite momentum or is there a certain criteria for when it becomes a glitch?

Queensland, Australia

They're both glitches. Butterfly gliding is explained in the Any% tutorial in the guides section here, and wire zipping is explained here.

lonewanderer821 likes this
United States

Thank you. Definitely good to know.

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