Frequently Asked Questions
7 months ago

Not all of these are frequent but I felt they were worth including . I guess I have to call them Asked Questions instead then


Q: What is and isn't considered a glitch?

A: The way the leaderboard defines a glitch is very all over the place but I'll walk you through it.

Here are some things commonly mistaken as glitches that are, on this leaderboard, considered glitchless:

  • Ladder flicking

  • (Normal) High jumps

  • 2 stud climb-ups

Here is a (incomplete) list of some glitches used commonly in speedrunning:

  • Wallhops

  • Dance clips

  • Lag high jumps (or freeze high jumps, whichever you prefer)

  • Lodges


Q: Is there a place I can speedrun towers from events? Time Lost Plain? Practice obbies?

A: Yes, check out the Category Extensions leaderboard: (Even if you didn't have this question I think it would be cool if more people submitted stuff to here. There's also the Unlock Ring category in the full-game section which is one of the coolest speedruns in jtoh)


Q: What's the difference between real time and in-game time?

A: There isn't any. You're supposed to enter your time in the in-game time section for the leaderboard though. I should probably remove one of them but I don't know whether or not it would break anything


Q: Could I use an item that's not from an event in the Event Items category? Like bootleg coil? Helicopter powers? Crystal? Other ones I'm forgetting?

A: Nope sorry. If it is from an event go nuts though. You can use any item from an event in the event items category. I'm specifying this because that used to, for some reason, not be true (important note: Paid items such as Heavenly Coil aren't allowed in the Event Items category either)


Q: If I wanted to submit a run on a specific tower that I got during a tower rush could I do that?

A: Yeah


Q: If I get kicked by the anticheat at the end of my run, will it still get accepted?

A: Yeah


If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Post it to the forum, message one of the moderators on, discord, Options are endless really

编辑者 作者 6 months ago
whatdo_ievenPUT, Noobfile1, Kaji_CZ 喜欢这个

Now that Roblox has added the option to change your FPS cap in the settings, speedrunning up to 240 FPS is now Allowed. Yippee !

To Be Clear: Memory writing below 60 FPS for things like lag clips is still not allowed cause that takes external software

7 months ago
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