English Translations for Menus + Game Mode Explanations
English Translations for Menus + Game Mode Explanations
Updated 2 years ago by Glitchedd

English Translated Menus - https://imgur.com/a/xMmQZcP

All Options must be saved by selecting "Save Settings" at the bottom of each option menu.

Game Options Menu - COM Level - Can adjust COM difficulty. Each bar represents a level of difficulty. Number of Rounds - Change number of rounds for a fight. Time Limit - Adjust match time limit in seconds. (These options must remain default for speedruns on the leaderboard)

Control Config: Can set custom controls through this menu.

Game Modes in order they appear:

Battle Mode: Basic Arcade mode, fight matches until you fight Younger Toguro at the end. You can select any character you want for any Battle Mode.

120% Version - Arcade mode, but you can play any and all characters, including those outside of the Dark Tournament and Toguro's other forms. Characters have new moves and specials, and Transform can be used to Burst/Guard break while in the air to escape air juggles.

Arcade Version - "Original" Arcade mode, This mode is based on the 2006 Arcade release. You can only play as and fight characters that are not unlockable characters. Many characters movesets are different, and are missing a lot of moves from the 120% version. Transform does NOT Burst/guard break while in air, and can only be used on the ground.

Story Mode: Follows the story of the anime with scripted fights and set playable characters leading up to Younger Toguro.

From the Beginning - Start a New game from the very beginning, chapter 1. Continue - Select individual chapters from the story mode.

Survival Mode: Game modes that force you to fight a multitude of opponents with a specific gimmick, whether that be keeping the same amount of HP from each prior match or playing matches with restrictions. You can select any character you want for any Survival Mode.

Normal Survival - Essentially arcade mode, but with survival mechanics. Toguro Survival - Fight Younger Toguro 10 times with survival mechanics as he slowly increases in power from 10% to 100%. Toguro Survival 2 - Fight 100% Younger Toguro with a Total of 5 Characters of your choice. Additional characters can only be selected after your last character has been defeated. Knife Edge Survival - Fight as many enemies as you can until you are defeated, but within a very small arena caged in by knives.

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