United StatesRzzor1 year ago

I just discovered that this thread existed, so here I am to introduce myself. I'm Rzzor. I mostly do Rec Room videos, with some speedrunning on the side. I like any sort of Asian food, and like video games way too much.

Pressez and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
United StatesRzzor1 year ago

@monkeytooth bro what is this about I feel like its been copypasted over and over again

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

yes, silly me

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

aight nvm my question has been answered, ignore my stupidity

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

For the reasoning, ah okay For why I put we, IDK, but I'm not trying to pass myself off as a mod.

United StatesRzzor1 year ago


thebentreeboy11 likes this
United StatesRzzor1 year ago

Should runs be removed that are longer than 25 minutes? It says in the rules that run over 25 minutes aren't allowed.

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

What parts of your run could you have done better

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

How about one that's sorta like "get to this specific type of room" like celestial hallway or that one FRICKIN HALLWAY WITH 8 ROOMS AND YOU HAVE TO FIND A KEY!!!!111!111 or a dark room idk

streamer034 and Alizzleo like this
United StatesRzzor1 year ago

I used Frame by Frame on YT and this should technically be 15.99, but still WR.

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

I barely speedrun bc I don't have a pc and I don't really know too much, but I'm 13

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

Imagine needing to make a thread so you can have people run with you, just get some friends, online or IRL, practice for a while, and do an attempt, don't just ask people who already got a time they earned and ask for them to help you in a run. also, playing only on iOS isn't something to brag about, it doesn't really change anything. Stop asking people to help you and actually give them a solid reason to help you.

also, gay

F1Efan, r3d_108 and 2 others like this
United StatesRzzor1 year ago

Should be retimed to 4.72

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

My neck hurts from whiplash from trying to find screech after a dark room.

Altera02 likes this
United StatesRzzor1 year ago


United StatesRzzor1 year ago

TL: DR, making a joke telling people what not to do, begging the mods not to ban me for posting this.

Edit: not ban, but Perma ban.

United StatesRzzor1 year ago

First, make sure you link the video you recorded in low framerate, like, REALLY low. That way, the moderators won't have to worry about finding out what is happening and can submit the run sooner. Next, make sure you link where the video is in your hard drive, e.g. C:/yournamehere/ThisPC/Videos/videonamehere. That way, the moderators can get the best quality out of the video!! Also, make sure your time is as low as possible, even if it doesn't match the time you got! The moderators won't care, because the timers can be very unreliable anyways. they will just verify you're run either way. Another thing, to get your run verified as soon as possible, make tons of forums and dm the moderators as often as you can, they will make sure your run gets up there real quick, and If they don't verify it, Rant about it in the forums and tell everyone how much they don't care. That is a surefire way to get the moderators to do what you want IMMEDIATELY. Congrats on the great RUN!!!!!!!1!!!11!11!

okay, for legal reasons and for me not to get banned, do everything but this, don't link your hard drive, have your video be in high framerate, give the time as accurately as possible, don't spam the mods, and don't shame them if you don't get your way. this is mainly to tell people what not to do, I just decided to take a little creative liberty, so mods, please don't ban me. I'm taking a huge risk doing this, if you don't want it up, I understand. just please don't ban me.

About Rzzor
haha funny gamer man go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
2 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
Roblox: DOORS
Roblox: DOORS
Last run 1 year ago
Roblox: DOORS Category Extensions
We Become What We Behold
We Become What We Behold
Last run 1 year ago
Seterra (Old Version)
Seterra (Old Version)
Last run 1 year ago
Google Snake
Google Snake
Last run 2 years ago
Games followed
Roblox: DOORS
Roblox: DOORS
Last visit 7 months ago
Roblox: DOORS Category Extensions
Roblox: DOORS Category Extensions
Last visit 9 months ago