BootlegPickle5 years ago

I had done it multiple times on stream from the start of the level. The tutorial is just condensed. Are you making sure to fall off the platform onto the first pot? That is a requirement.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

I know the game has no runners, but I think having a separate category or a variable related to autofire might be good; right now there's nothing in the ruleset about it and personally I think it should be banned from main category runs as it's an outrageous advantage.

cheers, crazyjesse

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Oh here's something curious, on the NT mini changelogs, under revision 2.3: v2.3 notes:

  • fixes Pokemon Yellow issues (mapper 163)
  • fixes misc audio issues
  • various other bug fixes which means that the mini has had issues with the bootleg mapper 163 for Pokemon yellow.

Zelda uses mapper 162

BootlegPickle5 years ago

I can confirm that none of those things should happen. (Or rather, none of them would happen on my copy)

I'm certainly amazed that the game actually allows you to damage Moldorm. Every single person I have asked that has an original copy has crashed on real console.

Now, the Analogue NT uses the actual NES PPU/CPU chips, and the Mini uses FPGA to emulate them. I don't see why either of these wouldn't work as they should.

I don't know why power cycling would do anything at all to your game. You're going to have to talk to krzy about this.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. I have not encountered any of those glitches. I hope I didn't recommend a lemon and that this is just a one-off error.

The only situation where you cannot enter dungeons is when you haven't talked to the appropriate person/obtained the correct item. If you could enter it once, you should be able to enter it again.

For example, if you try to enter a "crystal" dungeon without beating all pendant dungeons, you won't be able to get in.

My concern is if he didn't implement the mapper correctly. The other possibility is if you got the pacnsacdave translation that may have screwed something up (but I doubt it), this can occur when people mod in extra text/remove text. Also, the Zora you get the last medallion from is still in Chinese in his translation, lol. I told Dave but he didn't respond to my emails/messages.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Here's a setup for the new variant by angel_undead. I think this is the fastest variant yet.

Oxknifer, X.White, and Bro.D.Max like this
BootlegPickle5 years ago

Wow, that's three locations on that level now. We just need to find it on other levels! That, and how to despawn various objects like we have observed on occasion randomly.

thread: The Site
BootlegPickle5 years ago

Hi mods, just looking at BattleTanx, when I cam across that one runner has the GBC version in with all the other versions, seeing as they are completely different games, I would think that this should be broken apart. Let me know what you think. Cheers, Jesse.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

If for some reason you can play the game on a flashcart, and assuming the mappers are programmed properly into the firmware for it to run properly, the run would be accepted.

The catch is that the most two popular flashcarts, Everdrive N8 and Powerpak, do not support A Link to the Past (NES). The only possible way to play it on real hardware, to my knowledge, is to either buy an original copy, or a reproduction, such as those made by Krzy on famicomworld. Krzy's general flashcart kryziocart would support the game, but unfortunately does not support saves, which are need to get the super speed glitch. So you'd need his single game revision of his board. Though, you could double check with him as it may work with a soft reset.

Anyway, the major difference (other than minor lag in some parts) between emu and console is that the game crashes if you attack Moldorm without dashing, and this is a big time loss. If for some reason the game didn't crash on your flashcart then a rules revision may be in order.

I hope this has clarified your question, if it hasn't, feel free to poke me with more questions. If you do get it working on a flashcart please let me know as I will tell several people who have wanted to play this but haven't had the means.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Oh, so you guys have been running the PAL version on NTSC consoles. I don't think there's any harm in that for this game as they appear to just be the exact same game with a title swap. I actually own a physical copy of the AUS version and so I was wondering whether to run it or to use my flashcart to play the Taiwanese version on my Famicom. I'm not sure if either of you two know, but Little Red Hood is an extremely expensive cart to buy in real life.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Surely NTSCJ 60Hz would be a significant jump from PAL 50Hz.

For those of you who think these are for only clones, I can tell you right now that they play on standard Famicoms with no modification.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Oh crap I just got it, I really need to work on my mashing technique, I looked up some "advanced mashing techniques" and was able to get it.

BootlegPickle5 years ago

So I finally got the other ROM, and tried it on an everdrive and I still can't get the clip, I guess it's just me, lol

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Hey friends,

I was trying to route this out using the TAS' method of Machine Gun/Flame but I could never really get the knack and I found that most of the time using the Laser was the most efficient method. Do we know any of the actual damage values? Is it worth a human player to try the machine gun strat?

BootlegPickle5 years ago

Timer in video is irrelevant, as any competent mod will retime it by hand anyway. On-screen timers are for viewing benefit only.

Majoog, coolestto and 3 others like this
BootlegPickle6 years ago

Thanks. Looks good. I had thought your position might have something to do with it but in that emulator video you do it at a different spot than in your run. It's 2AM for me right now, so I won't be able to test it until tomorrow. In the video you mention you let the screen scroll, do you think that has anything to do with it?

BootlegPickle6 years ago

That's interesting you say that but doesn't really help much unfortunately.

That strat for the boss required a great deal of practice with a setup to do consistently and with that setup my mash speed doesn't even have to be that fast. When I tried to replicate your jump at the boss, I struggled to get close which is why I invented the setup.

Whenever I try to do the clip in the Desert, I often end up on the platform just below even if I "succeed". I never see the falling animation or if I do, I might be accidentally mashing through it.

To be more brief, I think I might need a reliable set up, me simply trying to emulate you hasn't worked very well.

BootlegPickle6 years ago

Go fast. Don't go not fast.

RandomDude_, 84th and 6 others like this
BootlegPickle6 years ago

Buy a GV-USB2, cheap, effective. I use it on my laptop.

About BootlegPickle
7 years ago
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Cosmo Police Galivan
Cosmo Police Galivan
Last run 6 years ago
Bio Hazard
Bio Hazard
Last run 3 years ago
Aladdin (Hummer Team)
Aladdin (Hummer Team)
Last run 6 years ago
Donkey Kong Country 4
Donkey Kong Country 4
Last run 5 years ago
Aladdin (Super Game)
Aladdin (Super Game)
Last run 5 years ago
Honshogi: Naitou Kudan Shogi Hiden
Games moderated
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (NES)
Bio Hazard
Bio Hazard
Last action 3 years ago
The Panda Prince/Super the Lion King 2
Donkey Kong Country 4
Donkey Kong Country 4
Last action 1 year ago
Earthworm Jim 3 (Hummer Team Bootleg)
Earthworm Jim 2 (Shin-Shin Bootleg)
Earthworm Jim 2 (Super Game Bootleg)