thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4958 months ago

the ONLY one?

and 2 others like this
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4958 months ago

Can we please stop sponsoring this dunghill dweeb?

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thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4958 months ago

why do we have 2 feedback threads? the other one isn't closed...

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4958 months ago

So why was I not notified about a reply to a support ticket I made? lol. support has literally been waiting a whole month for me and I had no idea until i checked it today. There isn't even a option for "support tickets" in the notifications settings lmao.

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thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven49510 months ago

Why the fuck

are there spaces.

between paragraphs

when I hit enter?

and why, when im using shift+enter to make a new paragraph, (I pressed shift+enter here) it doesn't go down to its own paragraph and just jumps back up? (when editing it LOOKS like its on a new line, but it jumps back up like it was just a space. just try it for yourself, you'll see.

here is an example of WR progression list I made a long time ago that got messed up after the change. this is what is looked like on the old site AND when editing.

and this is what it looks like when I checked it for the very first time and when finish editing.

so if i just hit enter

and make this spaced out stuff.

it looks like this. this is triggering to my eyes and pointlessly large.

seriously, why was the default paragraph size made with 1 space? if you want to go down an extra line and make a space, we can just just hit enter twice. or do I have to ask SRC to make paragraph size options a la Microsoft word?

edit: so funny thing. I was making a bug report about this and the text boxes for bug reporting don't have this issue. You can hit enter and it will go down to the next line without any space.

SRGTsilent, Liv and 2 others like this
Indiana, USABlazingRaven49511 months ago

nope that did not help. I guess I'll tell SRC support

Indiana, USABlazingRaven49511 months ago

I decided to use "edit run" and resubmit with no changes. Going to see if "reverification" makes SRC make it show up on my profile.

Indiana, USABlazingRaven49511 months ago

I have a glitchless run of 5:11 which is on the leaderboard, but it used to be on the CE board. This run is missing from my own profile even though it is still on the leaderboard. Anybody know how I can fix this?

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Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

Could very well be useful!

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago allows you to create awesome custom speedrun themed shirts. I got one myself lol.

Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

yes I looked at all the rules of every category before I made this post. Which is part of the reason I'm asking because I don't know what "minor" glitches are allowed.

I mean there has to be a reason why "glitchless" is not a category.

so am i running all levels or am i running NMG?

_SNES_ likes this
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

Hello everyone. I'm a fairly new runner to this game, been practicing some stuff casually. But I was wondering which category I should be submitting to if I ever get a run I'm satisfied with. I'll give you a quick rundown of what I've been doing.

-I've been playing all stages. -My cart is version 1.1 -I've been using barrel short cuts and bonus room short cuts where available -I have not been using any glitches like wrong warps, super jumps, or infinite mid-air rolls etc.

Personally, I felt this would fall under the no major glitches category, but I am just wondering...what are the allowed "minor" glitches?

Mainly asking because I want to know where my runs fit and stick to that category.

_SNES_ likes this
thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

@Oxknifer Unless you are an idiot like me who deletes the source image forgetting that he was using it for reasons like that lol.

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

@KilleDragon decided to just submit the run with a note to the mod. We'll see what happens

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

"Your moderator request for [insert game] has been rejected. Reason: Please resubmit with a screenshot of you attempting to contact the moderator"

And just how am I supposed to send a screenshot in the submission form when you don't have a "upload image" option???

Also, do you expect me to rewrite my entire request from memory with the screenshot? I hope you keep records, SRC, because I'm just going to call it follow up and leave it up to you to figure it out.

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

I guess if I'm desperate, I can submit my run under any% then put a note in telling the mod to make a new category for it lol. A little inconvenient but it would at least force him to look at it. lol

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

@RaggedDan I was tempted to ask for mod position for the niche games I run. Even if they don't see much activity, at least being someone like myself who runs them, or did run them, would be a little more dedicated to them.

thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

@hahhah42 Very good digging lol. Yes I have Dm'd asking for a new category, but made no mention of the forum post. Given how small the game is its not too much of a surprise to me that it got no traction.

The one thing I find bothersome about these mods that mod a bunch of games is, how many do they actually play? Do they know how it works? Why mod a game you know absolutely nothing about or even play?

Jubilee likes this
thread: The Site
Indiana, USABlazingRaven4951 year ago

@skyweiss That's assuming the game even has a discord to begin with. The countless niche games on this site with only one mod is a real problem, but such is life. To make matters worse, the person I'm trying to contact is mod of about 100 games, most of them very niche and on top of that is an active streamer himself. Sooo...yeah, when the hell is he going to find time to check his DMs? He's probably too busy checking runs of more active games and I don't blame him.

@1234 As much as I would like to make more contact, I don't want to look like a dick. lol

The reason I hate the DM idea is because its too casual. It doesn't stand out as something important like a category request.

About BlazingRaven495
4 years ago
Games run
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Last run 3 years ago
Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man
Ultimate NES Remix
Ultimate NES Remix
Last run 4 years ago
Nintendo World Championships 1990
Games followed
Bandai Golf: Challenge Pebble Beach
Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man
Low G Man: The Low Gravity Man
Last visit 7 months ago
Last visit 11 months ago
Smol Ame
Smol Ame
Last visit 9 months ago
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Last visit 8 months ago
Super Mario Bros. Category Extensions
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 2
Last visit 2 years ago