thread: Hook (2015)
QuébecAvasam4 years ago

And I'm about as late as you are :P I had uploaded my runs to youtube, but never sumittted. I'll come around to doing so soon.

QuébecAvasam4 years ago

Emulator runs are allowed for accessibility. Most emulators will play slower than an actual 90k PS2 with FDS, or on par. If an emulator is faster than actual console or too inaccurate, it should probably be banned. Playing on emulator actually makes you play at a disadvantage.

Despite being allowed for accessibility, top level runs should be done on console to preserve the legitimacy. It could've went the route of only allowing them over a certain time (let's say anything over 23m). But instead was set to follow the WR time.

Sarabi likes this
thread: The Site
QuébecAvasam4 years ago

Neat. No use for me for now, but I like it.

thread: Speedrunning
QuébecAvasam4 years ago

NoReset Speedrun (bilingual french/english), a Québec-based speedrunning community with international events across North-America:

thread: The Site
QuébecAvasam4 years ago

While this wouldn't be as useful for me now as when I asked about it back then (see reason below). Knowing at least the leaderboard size could still prove very useful to prevent some useless calls to the api when there's not enough runners.

Since then I've started using the time of all the PBs on a board to compare relatively to a specific run's time. As well as a bunch of other infos from the leaderboard. I've opted for a caching/memoizing system, with checkpoint on webworker timeout and eventually a requests pool as well.

thread: The Site
QuébecAvasam4 years ago

This. And thanks for the workaround @ThePigKing , I forgot google could do that

thread: The Site
QuébecAvasam4 years ago

@TheGaming100 I made this scoreboard, I appreciate the concern. The ID is something public you can easily obtain (for example, yours is here: ). As far as the API key goes, it's never stored, and only used once in the login process, sent to's api over HTTPS to authenticate.

QuébecAvasam4 years ago

loading a file with ONLY 1-1 iirc I don't think that's possible without resetting the console. You get to choose to load files only once. Once in a save file, you can't load another (I might be wrong though) I very much agree the reset is annoying, though really it's not that bad and certainly not as bad as other games have it.

I'm usually more on the side of starting games from a fresh file when speed running (unless it's impossible or too impractical). Even if it doesn't seem to change anything. But that's really more out of principles. I don't think M&M Shell Shock will have some crazy glitch or become optimized to a point where it truly matters, as much as I would like to see that.

So I'm against. Not a hill I'm willing to die on though, so if ends up allowed, I'll go with it.

QuébecAvasam5 years ago

Your explanation makes sense, True Any% would indeed be PC competitive only (well, any console, but they'll be the same run as glitchless, kinda how a no map run is also a glitchless run).

The glitch I was referring to is a noclip glitch that a coworker showed me and is really easy to do (it requires an NPC and an arcana with specific behavior) and is absolutely still doable in the current patch. So if you find a shopkeeper before finding the miniboss, you can noclip and just run around freely without triggering any room (enemies still attack)

Just as a side note, because I saw no mention of it in the rules: "All glitches are just not allowed." For Glitchless only or all categories? Because there's no mention of it anywhere in the rules (appart from the obvious category title) "Currently there are to my knowledge no glitches in the current WoL V1.033B. So this makes Any%(Glitchless) just normal Any%", same here, there's no mention of not being allowed to go back to a previous version (for example if a boss have been buffed or for a glitch has been patched)

QuébecAvasam5 years ago

I have a pretty simple question: Why is there no true Any% category? One allowing glitches.

There's Any%(Glitchless), Any%(No map) and a few other categories. Meaning a run with glitches has to also abide by a more restrictive category's rules.

It's also worth mentioning that Any%(Glitchless)'s rules don't make any mention of not allowing glitches

thread: Chariot
QuébecAvasam5 years ago

<placeholder until I get to actually write and finish the entire guide, compiling all the jumbled informations from the discord>

Chariot maps Imgur album:

DeKaZedd, insAnum, and Karlyr like this
QuébecAvasam6 years ago

8BitisGr8 managed to crush my WR with slightly tighter movement, and especially two new boss skips I,ve never seen before. While the first one is easy enough, 8Bit actually lost a lot of time to the second one with how long it took him to get it.

If anyone has any tips as to a consistent setup, feel free to share.

QuébecAvasam6 years ago

I have no issues with emulator runs (especially when they're slower than the original console), as long as they're clearly marked as such.

teh_supar_hackr likes this
thread: Pony Island
QuébecAvasam6 years ago

I added my Shortest path spreadsheet to the original post.

thread: Hook (2015)
QuébecAvasam6 years ago

This game is available on Android and iOS as well. Can we add those platforms? As far as I'm aware the game is the exact same so no need for new categories or anything. Just the option of "Android" and "iOS" for the platform.

QuébecAvasam6 years ago

I wouldn't change the split time (last hit on Zira is last input). Just that you need to actually complete the level/beat the game (meaning see the end credits). If a video doesn't show the end credit, you just need to look at the paw count before entering Zira's fight (100 for easy, 300 for medium and 450? for hard). If you wanna change the split time, end on first frame of credits. Wich means you still need to mash through the end-level screen and invalidates most video proof.

Good tip, I'll try to remember to add the model number in the comment (I think I used to do that but then forgot about it).

QuébecAvasam6 years ago

Three things I'd like to request changes for:

  1. Adventure is misspelled --> "advanUture"

  2. I'd like to specify in the rules that when beating Zira, you need the required ammount of paws for the difficulty. Or in other words, you need to actually beat the level. Otherwise you don't even get the ending credit, meaning you didn't even beat the game.

  3. Adding an optionnal Playstation model variable. Since different models can run PS1 games at different speeds (namely 90k being faster than 70k and 75k) I think it's a nice information to add on there.

QuébecAvasam6 years ago

Given the sheer number of different hardware and OS the game is run on. In my opinion it only makes sense to use in-game time. Plus, after current runs get converted to igt, it'll be easier and faster for mods to tally up full game runs just like in some Sonic Games.

thread: Piano Tiles
QuébecAvasam6 years ago

Hey hoXiu and derek31047, current non-deserving Classic 25 WR holder here. This may be a long bit of text, so I hope you have some time to read. I fully appreciate that you're starting changes for this game. The leaderboard really REALLY needs a good cleaning. While I agree it's almost impossible to differentiate between a legit run and a fake one on the first look (unless badly photoshopped), I am comming to you today offering a complete solution while mitigating collateral damage.

First of, let's list all the known ways to cheat:

  • Modifying the game files while the game is on
  • Using a Cheat Engine-like tool to modify data as the game is running
  • Using a Cheat Engine-like tool to slow the game down (that's what I used in the run you jsut accepted)
  • Good ol' Photoshop

Then, let's separate run times into four categories:

  1. "It doesn't really matter" wich should be verifiable simply using an image in the description (NOT in the video link slot, I'll come back to this later)
  2. "Good times that need verification" Those are the regular runs that now need video verification
  3. "Seemingly impossible" Where we should draw the line is addressed in the next paragraph. These runs NEED to be recorded externally and see the fingers move on the screen.
  4. "Glitched"

So of course the question is now: Where do we draw the arbitrary lines? Well, let's try to make them as least arbritrary as possible. While I don't currently have a specific number for each category right now, I don't mind doing a few hours of first hand research TASing the game to come up with a well thought out number. Until then, we can use the numbers offered by Google Play's official leaderboard (for example in classic 25 it's 2 seconds) for "Seemingly impossible" and an arbritrary let's say 4 seconds for "Good times that need verification" (anything above 4 sec is easily achievable with 1-2h of practice, even less if you use the fast tiles setting only availabe on iOS (not on android and idk about windows phone). These days anyone can get themselves a cheap video recording setup that doesn't take much space if they actually want to grind for WR times. There's basically no excuse not to.

Glitched runs deserve their own subcategories, and just like "Good times that need verification", they should be at least screen recorded so that we can see the glitch in action. Glitches are totally in the spirit of speedrunning, but we need to be able to differentiate between seemingly impossible skill and lucky/cool glitch.

Now, once again, I understand you might not want to accidentally remove legit, well earned runs. But understand, this problem has spread literally like cancer. And I'm not saying that to be offensive, it has literally spread like it (or I guess plague is kinda close as well): it affected more and more runs to a point where we're not even sure wich are clean or not. To get rid of it, collateral damage is needed. And even then it'll never totally be gone, but we can keep it at bay if we took the right measures.

Altough one great way to mitigate unwanted collateral damage is by, (if that's even something mods can do), removing the video verification and moving the image links to the description. This way we can search through the leaderboard using the video-verified variable without flat out deleting old runs.

As for me, like I said I'm willing to spend some of my own personnal time to find well thought out arbritrary lines to separate categories by TASing the game and seeing what's even humanly viable as long as the mods are willing to put the efforts in fixing this leaderboard as well. (note here I said "viable", not "possible", there's always pleasant surprises in speedrunning :) ). Once you guys are on it, please also remove my time wich has been done by slowing the game down to 0.01x on an actual android phone for the mere reason of proving a point.

In hopes to restore all of this leaderboard's potential glory.

Edit: I can remove my own run myself, so that's been done.

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Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa
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M&M's Kart Racing (DS)
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Death Jr.: Root of Evil (Wii)
Death Jr.: Root of Evil (Wii)
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The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure (PS1)
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M&M's: Shell Shocked
M&M's: Shell Shocked
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Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
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Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Last action 1 month ago
The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure (PS1)
M&M's Kart Racing (DS)
M&M's Kart Racing (DS)
Last action 9 months ago
Death Jr.: Root of Evil (Wii)
Death Jr.: Root of Evil (Wii)
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