Kaiba Story Money Cheat Route notes
Kaiba Story Money Cheat Route notes
Güncelleme tarihi 1 year ago tarafından GracefulShutdown

Amount of money needed for this run: 1125 Legendary Swords 2250 Beast Fangs 1350 Book of Secret Arts 800 Bandits trading post

800 Silver Bow and Arrow 900 Silver Bow and Arrow Trading Post 12,150 Black Pendants 900 Black Pendant trade post

General battle strategy:

  • Focus on limiting the number of times your opponent has monsters attack
  • Opposing AI will always use equip items when below 50% health, and will always attack your monsters with low health. Use this strategically.
  • Once you have Black Pendants, always target spellcasters first (for over 1000HP damage, and closer to 1500 late game)
  • Wait out guarding monsters most of the time (3-4 waits)


TL;DR the plot - Kaiba and Mokuba get invited to SIC to try out a new simulator. Simulator breaks, and nobody can turn it off and back on again. You are literally stuck in a simulation.

1: Hand of Fire (under 10 minute mission, after 2 minutes of mashing A) Initial teams: Kaiba

  • Crawling Dragon - Armoured Lizard - Dark King Mokuba (MARK)
  • Three Face,1 Hitatso-me Giant, Water Girl Marthis
  • Leave him with Dark Plant

Kaiba: remove all (A, X, left, X, left, X, B ) Marthis: remove all but plant (Up, A, X, left, X, B ) Mokuba: MARK, and Add giant, Water girl (Up, X, A, A, R, right, down, A, right, A, down, A, B ) Kaiba: add crawling dragon, Armored lizard, Dark king (Up, A, A, up, up, A, right, A, right, A, right, up, A, B, B )

Strategy: -Mash through the intro. Holding A does nothing, get used to mashing. -Enter money code at every possible opportunity -Kaiba to Seirauna, Mokuba to follow.

Seirauna: 500G, Ru-Ma-Pann 500G, Rizz-Phon 700G -Once captured, send both to enemy base at Riz-Phon via first selecting Ru-Ma-Pann to avoid Jussel (allow base to be captured)

Malairuka: No items, so easy fight. Octoberser first (3AP), then floaty machine thing (low HP), then ryu. He will take multiple tries due to the low attack of your monsters.

Octoberser 900 HP, 1600 Att, 3 AP Ryu-Kishin Powered 912 HP, 1623 Att, 2 AP Dharma Cannon 600 HP, 900 Att, 2 AP

post-stage: 1163 G

=============== 2: Bandits Team changes: Kaiba

  • Crawling Dragon (add 1x Blue Medicine) - Ryu (1x Blue Medicine) - Dark King Mokuba
  • Three Face - Armoured Lizard - Water Girl

Kaiba: (A, A, R, left, down, A, Z, A, A, B, left, Z, A, A, B, B ) Mokuba: (down, A, right, A, right, up, up, A, B, B )

Base money: 4163 G Money target: 5525 G

Strategy: -Enter money code at every possible opportunity -Send Mokuba to Dyethruo and Kaiba to Bandit Keith -When Mokuba is at Dyethruo, set up a trading post (800 gold) and buy -3 Legendary Swords (375 = 1125 gold) -6 Beast Fangs (375 = 2250 gold) -3 Books of Secret Arts (450 = 1350 gold) -Continue to enter the money code at every opportunity for the next stage is the most important shop of the run for this.

Bandit Keith: Cyber Commander (item), then floaty machine thing (low HP), then Robotic Knight. He will take multiple tries -Optimal: Two attempts | Average: three attempts | Any more than that, RESET

Cyber Commander 568 HP, 801 Att, 2 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Robotic Knight 968 HP, 1683 Att, 2 AP Dharma Cannon 600 HP, 900 Att, 2 AP

Post-stage: 1210 G

=============== Base money: 7219 Money target: 15300 G

3: Surrounded (20 minute mission) Team changes: Bonz

  • Remove Snake Hair and Midnight Fiend. (down, A, X, right, X, B ) Kaiba
  • Snake Hair - Ryu (w/1x Blue Medicine from previous) - Hitatso-me Giant (3x Legendary Sword) (up, A, A, R, down, down, down, A, right, A, up, up, right, A, Z, A, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, B ) Mokuba
  • Crawling Dragon (w/1x Blue Medicine from previous) - Armoured Lizard (3x Beast Fangs), Water Girl (3x Books secret arts) (down, down, A, A, up, A, right, Z, A, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, right, Z, down, down, down, A, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, B )

Strategy: -Enter money code at every possible opportunity while waiting for units to advance -Build Anti-Ground cannon in the free slot at Enno base, Send Mokuba Straight West out of cannon range, Marthis to Kardhiys to the east, wait at base for enemies with Kaiba. -Build a trade Union at Kardhiys (900 gold) and buy -1 Silver Bow and Arrow (800 gold) -Rationale: We're waiting around anyways, adds consistency. -When Mokuba is clear of the cannon, send him direct to Chitthun and defeat the marshall there -When Mokuba defeats the marshall, set up a Trade Union (900 gold) there and buy -18 Dark Pendants (675 = 12,150 gold) -Once Mokuba's part is done, send him to Pegasus (healing along the way with Blue Medicines) -Let Kaiba defeat the two marshalls coming to base, then take on Pegasus (healing along the way)

Tiger Axes: Destroy whoever has the least HP. He gets owned by the cannon anyways.

2x Tiger Axe ~200 HP, ~1400 Att, 2AP Kanan Swordsmistress ~200 HP, ~1400 Att, 2AP

Giant Soldier of Stone: Destroy the giants on the flanks first (lower HP)

Giant Soldier of Stone 1260 HP, 1411 Att, 2 AP 2x Hitotsu-Me Giant 808 HP, 1231 Att, 2 AP

Labyrinth Ruler: Zanki first, then Shadow Ghoul, then Chimera.

Zanki 900 HP, 1500 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Shadow Ghoul 912 HP, 1632 Att, 3 AP Dark Chimera 915 HP, 1634 Att, 3 AP

Pegasus: He is a nightmare. Bickuribox is a horribly strong monster for this early in the run. Consider waiting him out then attacking for initial encounter as he's got insane monsters. Parrot, then Bickuribox, then Wabbit.

Parrot Dragon 1128 HP, 2252 Att, 2 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Bickuribox 2393 HP, 2657 Att, 2 AP Dark Rabbit 873 HP, 1396 Att, 2 AP

=============== 4: Framed NOTE: The Money code should no longer be needed from this point of the run as we have done all our shopping and it's just a handful of times we need to build anything. Also, your monsters do easily 500 HP in damage every time they hit now, making HP draining much, much quicker than in the first couple missions. Also note: Black Pendant auto-crits Spellcaster monsters. Consider attacking Spellcasters immediately as a way to 1. Divert healing items and 2. minimize AP usage by opponent. Team Changes: Kaiba

  • Snake Hair (3x Black Pendant) - Ryu (3x Black Pendant) - Hitatso-me Giant (2x Legendary Sword, 1x Silver Bow and Arrows) (A, Z, A , (navigate to the Black Pendants), A, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B - right, Z, A, up, A, B - right, Z, A, down, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, B ) Marthis: remove dark plant. (up, A, X, B ) Mokuba
  • Dark King (3x Black Pendant) - Armoured Lizard (3x Beast Fangs), Water Girl (3x Books secret arts) (up, A, R, right, right, A, Z, A, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, B, B )

Strategy: -Build Barricade and Healer at base. Send Mokuba to Base on left, man the fort with Kaiba to take on enemies, get Bonz out of the base if he's there for some reason. -Wait for the enemies at the fort with Kaiba, healing between encounters (we have time to kill here, lol) -When encounters are done, go destroy plant king Marthis

Blackland: Baby first (two hits), then Dragon, then Lizard. Every one dies in 2-3 hits.

Armored Lizard 976 HP, 1540 Att, 2 AP Blackland Fire Dragon 933 HP, 1707 Att, 2 AP Baby Dragon 763 HP, 1239 Att, 2 AP

Ryu marshall: Penguin soldier first (stupid low HP and 4 AP), then Axe Raider, then Ryu

Ryu-Kishin Powered 924 HP, 1642 Att, 2 AP Penguin Soldier 597 HP, 772 Att, 4 AP Axe Raider 966 HP, 1728 Att, 2 AP

Marthis: Illusionary Gentleman(Spellcaster/AP) and Invitation to a Dark Sleep (Spellcaster), then Reaper last -WTF, he finally gets good units as soon as he turns against you? What a jerk!

Illusionary Gentleman 892 HP, 1810 Att, 4 AP Invitation to a Dark Sleep 910 HP, 1802 Att, 3 AP Reaper of the Cards 965 HP, 1640 Att, 2 AP

=============== 5: Lord of the Forest Team Changes: Kaiba: Remove Hitotsu-Me Giant (A, right, X, B ) Labyrinth Ruler -Remove party, add dark Plant (up, left, A, X, right, X, right, A, R, left, down, A, B ) FINAL Mokuba

  • Dark King (3x Black Pendant) - Hitatso-me Giant (2x Legendary Sword, 1x Silver Bow and Arrows), Water Girl (3x Books secret arts) (left, A, A, left, down, A, B ) Pegasus (MARK) -Armoured Lizard (3x Beast fangs already equipped) - Dark Chimera (3x Black Pendant) - Shadow Ghoul (others 3x Black Pendant) (left, X, A, A, left, up, A, Z, (Black pendants), B - left, up, A - left, STICK down, right, A, Z, A, A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, B ) FINAL Kaiba -Bickuribox - Ryu - Snake Hair (all 3x Black Pendant) 9 (up, up, A, stick up, A, Z, (Black Pendants), B, B, B Others -Weakest HP monster available

Strategy: -Send Kaiba around the Marshalls and then send him directly to Weevil.

Weevil: Basic insect, then Herc, then Big Insect -NOTE: Basic insect does NOT have a Z ability if there is no cannon equipped, and Weevil's does not.

Basic Insect 677 HP, 720 Att, 4 AP Hercules Beetle 1415 HP, 1852 Att, 3 AP Big Insect 1104 HP, 1505 Att, 2 AP

=============== 6: Lord of the Plains Team Changes: Weevil -REMOVE Hercules Beetle, Big insect (left, A, X, right, X, B ) FINAL Pegasus team -Hercules Beetle (From Weevil, 3x Beast fangs) - Dark Chimera - Shadow Ghoul (others 3x Black Pendant) (up, up, A, right, A, R, Stick down, up, A, Z, A, (Navigate to Beast Fangs), A, down, A, A, down, A, A, B, B, B )

Strategy: -Send Kaiba to attack Rex, Pegasus to defend. -Build Anti-Ground and Barricade at base. Defend from one attack, heal, then re-add anti-ground -If you decide to go straight to Rex and face the marshall along the way, Wasteland-Adept Monsters gain 300 Att on this stage

Baby Dragon squads: A, Y, X. Easy when you already have them down to 30% health. -Consider escaping the second fight when Kaiba is close. May need multiple flees.

Armored Lizard 1044 HP, 1670 Att, 2 AP Uraby 968 HP, 1953 Att, 3 AP Baby Dragon 790 HP, 1338 Att, 2 AP

Rex: X, A, Y; done by AP.

Megazowler 1409 HP, 2186 Att, 2 AP Two-headed King Rez 1569 HP, 2210 Att, 3 AP Uraby 968 HP, 2253 Att, 3 AP

=============== 7: Sever the Supply Line Team Changes: -Bring all low HP Marshalls

Strategy: -Send Kaiba due north around enemies and once past, to the enemy base.

Ryu battle: ESCAPE and tank hits if unsuccessful

Nephel: X for their healing items if they have AP remaining, otherwise A.

Winged Dragon 848 HP, 1849 Att, 2 AP Neck Hunter 1239 HP, 2549 Att, 4 AP Kanan the Swordsmistress 961 HP, 1859 Att, 2 AP, BLUE MEDICINE

=============== 8: Full-Scale Offensive Team Changes: -Bring as few marshalls as required by mission

Strategy: -Send Kaiba due south and then once past enemy units to the enemy base. Beat enemy. -Build Barricade and Anti-Ground at base for safety, and defend with Pegasus if needed.

Necubetos: They all have no healing items, 2AP, and ~1000 HP (Judge Man ~1500). Fight to reduce number of enemy moves, focusing on X and Y.

Axe Raider 1114 HP, 2342 Att, 2 AP Judge Man 1431 HP, 2656 Att, 2 AP Armored Lizard 1086 HP, 1953 Att, 2 AP

=============== 9: Crucial Battle Team Changes: -Bring Kaiba, Pegasus, and whoever else the plot demands

Strategy: -Send Kaiba to straight to Haysheen in Nonnber -Build anti-ground cannon and barricade -Heal when necessary.

Insect team: Basic insect first (Z attack, has cannon armor), then big insect (Healing items, Y), then spider (A) -Insect cannon armor does ~200 HP damage to your entire team. This should be able to be healed up, honestly

Big Insect 1239 HP, 1785 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Hunter Spider 1115 HP, 1962 Att, 3 AP Basic Insect 713 HP, 1296 Att, 3 AP, LASER CANNON ARMOR

Pumpking: Zanki (two hits), then dragon zombie (5AP) and Pumpking

Dragon Zombie 1597 HP, 2082 Att, 5 AP Pumpking 1354 HP, 2181 Att, 3 AP Zanki 981 HP, 1730 Att, 3 AP

Rogue Doll: All suck here, Hit Rogue Doll and focus on the other two monsters while they waste turns healing. -Rogue doll is spellcaster: Your darklands monsters do critical to it.

Axe Raider 1081 HP, 2040 Att, 2 AP, RED MEDICINE Rogue Doll 1181 HP, 2237 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Ansatsu 947 HP, 2532 Att, 5 AP, BLUE MEDICINE

Haysheen: Axe Warrior first (Red Medicine), then Zanki due to low health. -Mystic elf is a spellcaster, instant critical hit done to it, probably still a 2-hit kill

Zanki 981 HP, 2230 Att, 3 AP Mystical Elf 1228 HP, 1520 Att, 3 AP Axe Raider 1081 HP, 2540 Att, 2 AP, RED MEDICINE

=============== 10: Aid from Afar Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus

Strategy: -Pegasus to Rare Hunter's town, navigating around the second Dark Elf marshall -Defend the base with Kaiba so he can gain levels, sending him to Rare Hunter once the encounters are cleared -Build Healer and Barricade in main town when needed. -Yugi may show up and say some things. He gets rid of half of the marshalls, but likely after you've already beaten them -Battle until mission ends

Fusion marshalls: Beat the non-fusion monster first as they have healing items, then stop the fusion. -If there's a fusion, Kaiba's team should still be able to take the monster

Mavelus 1110 HP, 2096 Att, 3 AP, POLYMERIZATION Wing Eagle 1278 HP, 2713 Att, 4 AP, POLYMERIZATION Winged Dragon 885 HP, 1718 Att, 2 AP, BLUE MEDICINE F -Crimson Sunbird 1759 HP, 3109 Att, 6 AP

Gazelle 882 HP, 1910 Att, 2 AP, POLYMERIZATION Berformet 1066 HP, 1708 Att, 4 AP, POLYMERIZATION Queen of Autumn Leaves 1279 HP, 2340 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE F-Chimera

Dark Elf marshall: Dark Elf (Spellcaster), then Swamp king (healing item), then belly button pee alien

Appetite Ghoul 1273 HP, 1908 Att, 3 AP Dark Elf 1361 HP, 2891 Att, 3 AP Beastking 861 HP, 1128 Att, 2 AP, RED MEDICINE

Rare Hunter: Monster tamer, then Worm, then left arm dino guy -Pegasus might take two turns to defeat, and if he does, you're going to come across Yugi dialogue, which is slow

Monster Tamer 1225 HP, 2314 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Dungeon Worm 1611 HP, 3347 Att, 6 AP Cyber Saurus 1225 HP, 2015 Att, 2 AP

Investigate if capturing other bases diverts any units.

=============== 11: Going the Distance Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus

Strategy: -Send Kaiba just south of the central island town, then go to the enemy base. -Build barricades and anti-ground at your base for safety from Labyrinth Tank and to kill time -Remember to press A when the center town gets captured.

Scott: It's the Odion fight from Ishtar. Snakes first, then Scorpion

2x Embodiment of Apophis 1170 HP, 2816 Att, 4 AP, BLUE AND RED MEDICINES Mystical Beast Serket 1609 HP, 3114 Att, 2 AP

=============== 12: Raid NOTE: At some point during this mission, The Snake Hair will probably pass Level 25 and gain the ability to paralyze opponents. From this point forward, make sure that you are using it to paralyze opponents who are not the primary target of your attacks, especially those who are

Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus

Strategy: -Send Kaiba and everyone else straight to the Fort and beat the three marshalls

Gaia Officers: Kill in order of starting HP

Battle Ox 1486 HP, 2467 Att, 3 AP Giltia 1212 HP, 2454 Att, 3 AP Pumpking 1355 HP, 2286 Att, 3 AP

Semmut: Millennium golem first, then the flame swordsmen. If Snake Hair has paralysis yet, Paralyze the Flame Swordsman

Millennium Golem 1566 HP, 2568 Att, 3 AP 2x Flame Swordsman 1137 HP, 2436 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE

=============== 13: Bandits, Again Team Changes: -Bring Kaiba and Pegasus, plus as many low-HP marshalls as possible to tank losses.

Party Setup: -Bring Kaiba, Pegasus (for safety) and all characters with the lowest HP monsters (Usually Bonz/Labyrinth/Weevil).

Strategy: -Send Kaiba straight to Bandit Keith. -Bring all the low HP characters to the front of the building lineup. Run away from all fusion trainers and otherwise let them kill the weak parties. -Beat Bandit Keith.

Bandit Keith: Slot Machine, then Launcher Spider, then Barrel Dragon -Safety Strat: Wait out Launcher Spider and Barrel Dragon, paralyze slot machine. It's unlikely you are

Slot Machine 1826 HP, 3238 Att, 4 AP, RED MEDICINE Barrel Dragon 1660 HP, 3111 Att, 2 AP, RED MEDICINE Launcher Spider 1575 HP, 2530 Att, 2 AP, RED MEDICINE

Fusion trainers: ESCAPE, otherwise allow them to kill your meat-shield marshalls (Monsters are the same as from Mission 10)

=============== 14: Dragon Lair Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus. That's all you can bring anyways here, lmao.

Strategy: -AVOID Buster Blader by not sending anyone from Dragon-Gate to Den, and heal if needed before Burrow. -DO NOT GO TO BURROW UNLESS ALL OTHER BASES ARE CAPTURED, Doing otherwise is GAME OVER. -Kaiba to Nest -> Hall -> Lair -> Burrow -Pegasus to Palace -> Den -> Burrow

Fusion Monster LoDs: Attack the one with either the least AP, or the least HP. -Worst case scenario is that you have to face the fusion monster, which is annoying as it's slow but your teams can handle it. Twin-headed Thunder Dragon: Attack Thunder Dragon first, it dies to two hits and has two AP. -Consider paralyzing the Two-headed King Rex to save a turn Red-Eyes Skull Dragon: Focus on one of the two, it doesn't matter which. Get them to between 400-800 HP, then wait until they have a turn to finish the job. This one sucks to Pegasus's team, and may kill one monster on it. Heal if required. Meteor B. Dragon: Focus on Meteor Dragon, it's weaker

Seiyaryu: Attack and hopefully paralyze the only monster in the encounter. He has red medicine and a lot of it.

Judge Man LoD: Attack the Judge Men first (AP), Paralyze Kaiser Dragon because it's slow

Blue Eyes: Paralyze as many of the dragons as possible, focus attacks on one of them to prevent the ultimate dragon from making an appearance.

Likely outcome: If you can't kill them all before running out of AP, run on your last turn. One-cycling this might be possible... barely. Waiting for the

=============== 15: Guidance Strategy: -Send Kaiba to Right-Arm, then Nonnber 15 seconds later on the game clock. Bop Umbra.

Umbra(Gandalf): Ryu, then Bikuribox, then Scerpent Night Dragon, Paralyzing in reverse order

Ryu-Kishin Powered 1232 HP, 2181 Att, 3 AP, BLUE MEDICINE Serpent Night Dragon 1638 HP, 3203 Att, 3 AP Bickuribox 1787 HP, 4696 Att, 4 AP

=============== 16: Surprise Attack Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus

Strategy: -Kaiba to Twin-rivers, then once close to the city, send directly to Scott.

Timed: Immediately sending Kaiba to TR, then 8-ticks of the clock after 6-O'clock -Attack Parrot Dragons first, paralyze lag dragon in the center first.

Scott: Paralyze Lag dragon, kill the Parrot dragon with most AP. No items to worry about here, everyone has 3AP.

Kaiser Dragon 1694 HP, 2827 Att, 3 AP 2x Parrot Dragon 1838 HP, 3402 Att, 3 AP

=============== 17: Face-Off Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus

Strategy: -Send Kaiba straight to Yugi, win battle to win mission (two bases get captured to press A through)

Yugi: -Get rid of DMG or DM first at all costs. Their Z attack can potentially kill the run. -Lucky for you, Black Pendant auto-crits spellcasters. Take advantage of this fact and do some real damage. -Blue Medicine isn't a concern, and actually could be arguably a good thing considering you do well over the healing range in damage.

Dark Magician Girl 1618 HP, 3671 Att, 5 AP BLUE MEDICINE Dark Magician 1848 HP, 4231 Att, 5 AP BLUE MEDICINE Buster Blader 1526 HP, 4049 Att, 3 AP (Legendary Sword)

=============== 18: Banishment Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus, plus Ishizu

Strategy: -Send Kaiba to Dhorminouth-Town, and once liberated, direct to Sygh-Varthis Liberating Dhorminouth-Town causes the advancing marshalls to move towards it, and thus opens up paths for both Kaiba and Ishizu -Send Ishizu directly to Sygh-Varthis Gate, stopping her after she sets off the cannon

Scott: -Cosmo Queen (A) gets auto-critted by Black Pendant, so focus there, paralyzing the Barrel Dragons. Allow Scott to heal his Cosmo Queen if needed -Two shots should kill Cosmo Queen (2100 HP is a lot, but you do well over 1000 per hit with critical hits) 3 shots to the Barrel Dragons.

Cosmo Queen 2157 HP, 3788 Att, 7 AP, RED MEDICINE 2x Barrel Dragons 1715 HP, 3442 Att, 4 AP

=============== 19: Hollowed Land of Ishtar Team Changes: -Standard team of Kaiba/Pegasus, plus Ishizu

Strategy: -Send Kaiba to Ishtar Gate and once liberated, bop Odion in Ishtar


  • Attack Y and X first (Red Medicine), then A

2x Embodiment of Apophis 1299 HP, 2422 Att, 3 AP, RED MEDICINE Mystical Beast Serket 1708 HP, 3062 Att, 3 AP

=============== 20: Dream World -Send Kaiba along path to CPU, starting with Memory-Bank-A2, then proceeding directly to Terminal-Bus -Optimization: Use Z mode to send to

Machine King CPU: -Machine King, Paralyze the others. Hopefully he doesn't use command force and make the battle take slightly longer.

Machine King 1742 HP, 3499 Att, 5 AP, Z Attack boosts opponent's stats 2x Cyber Soldier 1658 HP, 3084 Att, 5 AP

Jinzo CPU: -Attack Garozies, then Jinzo

Jinzo 1651 HP, 3005 Att, 3 AP 2x Cyber Saurus 1432 HP, 2971 Att, 4 AP

Gate Guardian CPU: -Focus attacks on one of the pieces of Gate Guardian, ignoring the other two, with the aim of destroying one piece before they fuse. -If they fuse, consider running; Gate Guardian has a LOT of HP

Kazejin 1888 HP, 3381 Att, 3 AP, POLYMERIZATION Sanga 2069 HP, 3327 Att, 3 AP, POLYMERIZATION Suijin 1810 HP, 3114 Att, 3 AP, POLYMERIZATION =============== 21: Dark Spirit -Go to Scott and beat him and Slifer

Scott: Skull Knight first (Spellcaster), then Paralyze Scerpent Night Dragons

Skull Knight
2x Scerpent Night Dragon

Slifer (Lotto): Mash A and hope he forgets about his special move. You can tank a Z attack, but the run ends much faster if he doesn't use it.

Slifer doing its A attack will HURT, but you can survive it. You cannot win if he lowers your attack on every monster. Faster to just reset and get three free attacks.

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