Adding Category Extensions
4 years ago
United States

I have been talking about this for a while and I finally wanted to put it into action. I wanted to be able to have meme runs become a category or categories and when I asked I was told that it would look unprofessional and out of place, which I fully understand. I was told that a category extension would be needed (Like Outlast or Super Mario 64). I find this to be a great idea so I made a Google poll. If you could vote that would be really great, I don't know how many people we need but I'm sure It won't be too many. Below the poll I will also be adding some of the different runs that could go in the category extension if it's added.

*Suicide% (Any%) *Suicide% Bombless *Suicide% (Glitchless) *NG+ Suicide% *Suicide% (The following) *Suicude% Bombless (The Following) *Radio% *NG+ Radio% *Radio% (Any%—The Following) *Radio% (Glitchless—The Following) *Millionaire% (Any%) *Millionaire% (Glitchless) *Millionaire% (Any%—The Following) *Millionaire% (Glitchless—The Following) *Buggy Recall%

The_L and BOZAK_115 like this
Ohio, USA

Just one issue. Without Dying Light 2 out, we can't make Dying Light a series. Therefore we can't have a category extension page yet.

Allen_Starburst likes this
United States

So for this to happen, we have to wait till Dying Light 2 comes out?

BOZAK_115 likes this
Ohio, USA

That's how it's looking to be.

Allen_Starburst likes this
United States

So we can request the category extension to be added if they reject it we can just wait till Dying Light 2 comes out, that was the plan from the beginning anyway so no harm no foul. This is all considering that we get enough votes to add the extension which I don't know how many we need, at the moment 5 people have voted yes while 0 have voted no.

BOZAK_115 likes this
Ohio, USA

I highly doubt SRC staff will care much about votes.

Allen_Starburst likes this
United States

These were the directions I was given, I have 4 runs not including old PB’s. I think it's worth a shot but I also don't mind waiting. I also know that SYZ has runs

Game Requests > Single Game > Name your game: "Game Category Extension" > Give proper feedback and motivation as to why we should accept your request, along with a run (or multiple) from what will be on the extension board.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
BOZAK_115 likes this
Ohio, USA

That's what SRC said to you?

Allen_Starburst likes this
United States

A ”Full Mod” (Whatever that is) replied to someone's forum post with these instructions, the individual seemed to be having the same issue. I was doing a bit of research after I was told we needed to wait till Dying Light 2 comes out.

BOZAK_115 likes this