So there's this software called ninjabrain bot that calculates the location of the stronghold, and you can use blind travel to go closer, and I made code for it, but can I use it in a speedrun? If there is a "blind travel" option in ninjabrain, how do you turn it on? Here is the code (in Python): def check_proximity(coord_pairs, target): closest_distance = float('inf') closest_coord = None
for coord in coord_pairs:
distance = abs(coord[0] - target[0]) + abs(coord[1] - target[1])
if distance < closest_distance:
closest_distance = distance
closest_coord = coord
return closest_coord, closest_distance
variants = [ (0, 220), (50, 210), (75, 200), (100, 190), (125, 175), (155, 155), (0, -220), (50, -210), (75, -200), (100, -190), (125, -175), (155, -155), (-0, 220), (-50, 210), (-75, 200), (-100, 190), (-125, 175), (-155, 155), (-0, -220), (-50, -210), (-75, -200), (-100, -190), (-125, -175), (-155, -155) ]
x_coordinate = int(input("Enter the X coordinate: ")) z_coordinate = int(input("Enter the Z coordinate: ")) target_coord = (x_coordinate, z_coordinate)
closest_coord, closest_distance = check_proximity(variants, target_coord) print("Closest Coordinate:", closest_coord) print("Distance:", closest_distance)
@sniper3d107 You can f3c in the nether and ninjabrain bot will show you where to blind to have a high chance of <400 block blind if that is what you’re asking
F3 + C in the Nether will result in Ninjabrain Bot showing you optimal blind coords.
You are not allowed to use proprietary tools unless they have been whitelisted, e.g. ContariaCalc, Ninjabrain Bot, etc.
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