Complimentary EXP Boosts
7 months ago
United States

There doesn't appear to be any mention about the Minor Complimentary EXP boosts that you get at the start of having characters. So wanted to make sure that if I were to use one that it would be allowed for any of the categories. I assumed no, but since that item seems to be something you get based on leveling, its not an advantage on other runs, unless its related to the category? IE) Legacy Open, No LG/No OH


Where exactly do you get the exp boosts from?

United States

Its just in my inventory when I open it for the first time. Might be tied to a Legacy option? i'm not sure. When I start a new character/run I'll share a screenshot of what I'm talking about. It

Edited by the author 7 months ago

It might be from the login calendar.

if it is then you're not allowed to use it since not every new character gets it.

texan_red_wolf likes this
United States

Okay, that might be the case. I just wanted to make sure before either using it on purpose or accident. Thank you!

United States

Turns out the EXP item was given from a quest/mission in the main story. That seems like it would be allowed to use,ye? Since those rewards are static?


Yes, that is allowed.

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