100% category
8 years ago
Vienna, Austria

As addition, we could add a 100% category which includes passing every level (therefore no Level 1 skip) and getting all items (talking about the upgrades and that headband - still unsure if it has any use).

I find that'd be an acceptable category.. in my opinion. :P

Progji likes this

I would really enjoy a category like that, I might submit an 100% run and see if Quo sees it and puts up another run for 100%.

Ottawa, ON, Canada

I can add it as a category, what would the rules be?


Probably I would say, collecting all the berries? Because just doing a run without a level one skip would be quite the same as the regular. Or you could also make it so you have to unlock the headband and leaves, like slowpoke said :/

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Collect all berries is a little tough since it can be hard to tell if anyone accidentally missed any. How about something like "All levels + unlockables"? So complete levels 1-6 + bonus level and get 850 berries


yeah sure, it would be a bit tough, and hard to route if you think about it. But having all unlockables is a good idea, do that. Also, do you think the run would have to display that you have the unlockables? or just collect the 850 berries?

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Just collect 850 berries imo, as long as you see the berry tracker at 850 it's fine. I'll probably derust any% real quick then see what a route would look like

Edited by the author 8 years ago

i was doing a casual playthrough and the following happened and it sounds relevant so I'll share

so i was done with world 1, 2 and 3 with all the berries (297 by that point), I go and grab the yellow leaf, I reenter world 1, quit the game using the escape button, restart it, and I somehow had 396 berries after the thing.

I couldn't replicate it but it's worth sharing in case any of you guys want to mess with it


Really? Ill have to try it. However, I don't know whether that counts as collecting berries as you are only increasing the count not physically touching them.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Vienna, Austria

The numbers of berries you collected in the last level will be added to your counter if you quit the level. This "resets" more or less if you collect one berry in the first level. It's a known bug since the begin (?) so it's a good way to reach quick 850 berries (or more if you're up for achievements).

and yeap, having 850 berries should be fine and the only real requirement. At least I don't remember what else can be collected (aside of achievements which is pretty pointless to include them here)

Edited by the author 8 years ago

Yeah, I think adding achievements would be a bit tedious and boring. Leave it at 850 berries.

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