Updated Maps
3 years ago

As you know, Maps like Sunken Citadel and Buried Oasis are updated Will there be a place to submit them as rn, we have the old Buried Oasis runs that are impossible to achieve now after shortcut patches

yea i agree

Edited by the author 3 years ago
RichardIosRBX likes this
New Jersey, USA

I'd assume it'd just be updated to fit the current version and all older runs with patched skips will be removed, either that or they would have to make a whole new system for old and new maps.


We'll see what happens. The old runs haven't been cleared after a few days of the release of the new Buried Oasis

v1nnyy likes this
New Jersey, USA

Eh, it doesn’t fully come as a surprise, as mods could be dealing with outside issues of just life in general, but like you said, we’ll see what happens, since all we can do is make assumptions right now.

Orlando, FL, USA

Sorry for the silence on this - we were informed that Buried Oasis and Sunken Citadel were changed. We did completely remove old Sunken Citadel runs a while ago. Buried Oasis I was informed, but have not yet done anything with that (I will clear the runs after I post this.)

Updates are coming extremely fast, and we're trying to find ways to adjust to these updates with the maps and rules but the updates continue to come before we can complete changes and find the proper course of action. And as v1nnyy said, yes, we're all kind of busy with life as everyone else is, so no matter what it is hard to keep up.

Some of us are also on the FE2 QA team, so we've kind of just been sitting and watching carefully for the most part, as we don't know what updates will make it to the main game and which won't - so that plays a part in us moving slowly to make sure.

I wanted to make subcategories for the old versions of maps without removing the runs, but I have not found a way to do it with an already existing map. I can only create for the new version and then the old runs also vanish. It's just a whole mess. I've nearly come to the conclusion that you can't add it after the fact, but I'll keep researching that.

But do know, we normally know when maps are changed. We have just taken a slower approach as of late with the mass updates. We will keep you guys updated.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
RichardIosRBX and v1nnyy like this
New Jersey, USA

Ah, well that’s atleast nice that you do have a sort of heads-up to this sort of thing, and I don’t think you should necessarily rush yourselves just to remove old runs and such, since it’s much better to make sure that you know which updates will go through or not before making any assumptions, plus I figured it would be hard to run subcategories for older maps, and it could make more work for you guys (or gals), but if you’re dealing with situations in the real world, it wouldn’t do much good to get even more records than are currently being submitted, but that’s just my train of thought.


I understand, and thanks for the reply!

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Henlo this is your local FE2 speedrunning mod Nolyswag and I'd just like to recommend for people to use velocity display during runs to maximize the odds of your run being verified (it just helps confirm that your run is legit).

Signing out, Nolyswagger the 1st

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