Recommended deadzones?
1 year ago

So I love this game and have been trying to get into speedrunning it for the last couple of days but I've quickly run into a problem. I play on pad pretty much exclusively, and only now am I realising that the default pad settings for this game are kind of...weird. I'm getting awkward effects like my dives out of jump being inconsistent and other stuff that generally doesn't feel right. I assumed it was just my motor reflexes being lame, but I was getting the same inputs 100% of the time after 30 seconds on keyboard.

Any pad players out there who've figured out some decent deadzone settings? All I could find online was one post about it and it wasn't really aimed at the speedrun crowd. If I can get stuff like mach cancels more reliably it'll be a real gamechanger for my ability to run this game.


I think you'd have to figure that out yourself, sadly. Pizza Tower is unfriendly to analog controls, a D-pad is much more consistent.

United States

What kind of pad are you using?


I'm on a budget Xbox pad. This means that unfortunately the d-pad is very questionable, hence relying on the analogue instead. I managed to get all the P-ranks, but full runs call for a lot more consistency than I can manage with this setup.

I'm thinking I might just have to relearn the game on keyboard at this point...

Connecticut, USA

I haven't messed around much with deadzones, but it's helped me out a lot to bind "down" to one of the bumpers in the steam input settings, cuts down on a lot of situations where I need to use diagonals like with fastfalls or horizontal powerbombs, even helps with rss since I can just press the bumper to go down in the menu while I hold the stick up


Holy crap, this was a gamechanger. Diagonal inputs were definitely a source of a lot of turmoil for me, so having a down input on demand made things way easier. I finally managed to put together a run I'm reasonably happy to upload thanks to it.

Thanks a bunch!

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Individual Levels runs are now NMG

Hello folks.

Since No Major Glitches is by far the more popular and enjoyed category for full-game runs, we thought we'd protect IL runners from having to contend with that side of the game if they don't wish to.

This is open to change if the interest is there, but for now, **individual level runs

1 month ago