Turbo button?
9 years ago
New York, USA

Are turbo buttons allowed? I've seen SubStylee do some perfect slashes and can't believe that a human is that fast and my wrist just cannot keep up with how often that is. So I was wondering, are turbo buttons allowed? Does anyone know what ways I can achieve turbo on PC?

California, USA

Turbo buttons are not allowed. Everything I do is pure mashing, but we do use a technique called dual mashing which is using the attack button on keyboard and the controller so that might be what you are seeing on certain parts. (I'm flattered you think I use a turbo though! Watch guesst or Kfnappa if they ever do runs again. I'm amateur hour compared to them on mashing.)

If you are on PC I recommend using the rebind guide on steam and finding a setup that works for you. This will also make Dragon Dance and the +1 slashes you need for the jump after sisters 2 MUCH easier.

Check out guesst's tutorial it shows and explains all the new stuff.

New York, USA

Thanks again, Sub. So i'm currently trying to fix my resolution and the problem im having is not being able to see any resolution that has 3 numbers in it, i.e: 720 X 480 X 59. Im not sure why that is.

California, USA

I checked my settings on the pc version and all of them had a third number. I'm not sure what to tell you. I asked some of the other runners to see if they came across this and if they know how to fix it for you.

I think I will re look into the whole 59hz thing in the near future. I proved dragon dance could be done on PC with a controller and on 60hz. Sainiku is the one that came up with the keyboard and 59hz and while keyboard is the better option or a combination of keyboard and controller, I am still not fully convinced on the hz selection.

California, USA

So random question what kind of monitor are you rocking and can you screenshot what your option settings screen looks like?

New York, USA

Okay so RANDOMLY my game is showing all three numbers. I'm not sure why that is. I have two different versions of the game maybe that might've played a role in it but i've been playing the Steam version and I swear, it didn't have it up and now it did after I read your post lol. >.< I can stream soon and show you whatever it is you need to see. I'm not sure how to show you the game screen through here.

In terms of monitor, im playing from a Asus ROG, im forgetting the model number and I just purchased a BenQ monitor the one they use in MLG.

California, USA

Right on, if it's there then the problem is solved. Yeah let me know when you stream normally and I will try and catch it.

New York, USA

I think I might stream today at 8 PM EST

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