6 years ago
New Mexico, USA

Can we add a single-segment category to differentiate between runs utilizing a save and those doing it all in one go? Thanks!

Wisconsin, USA

I don't really think it's necessary, as the run still is well over 3 hours long. Wouldn't want to force people to do it without a bathroom break or something.

Also I don't think utilizing a save confers any advantage besides comfort of running, the 2nd half of the run is all downhill and has very little RNG. I think the only times I've had to abandon a run after the first hour or so was an input error that left a province open and I didn't have any way to curtail the attack.

Lastly, there are so few runs total it doesn't make sense to split them at this point.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
New Mexico, USA

Adding a category doesn't force anyone to do anything; it simply adds differentiation between a save-game (some people would say this isn't even a real speed run) and a more traditional single-segment marathon run.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

There's really no need to differentiate between types as they've only been 8 total runs on the game, and most of the runs have had only one save/break in them. If someone came in and save/loaded every 10 minutes until they got optimal RNG (say on auto battle or something), yeah, I'd say split the boards, but no one's doing that I'd rather have all the competition on one category for now.

As of now there's no competitive advantage in saving, only a real world time-saving one, and I'm fine with that.

I think you, me, and Ategenos' runs all saved after West Shinano anyway.

New Mexico, USA

Ok, if we could update the rules to state 1 save max or something more well defined then I'm fine with that.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Gunstar_Hero likes this
California, USA

I separated the 2 categories now. Segmented allowing a single save and normal Any%. Great job bringing this time down so far and even considering sub 3 soon!

JacksBileDuct likes this
United States

My run isn't actually segmented, just had OBS die mid run =P. Never saw any use in using a save mid game.

JacksBileDuct likes this
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