5 months ago
United States
  1. Why are you allowed to have multiple tabs open at the same time? It seems like you'd easily be able to move forward a little bit on the other tabs, and things would be on different cycles. I'd think runs should be done all in one instance, on one save file. You're essentially skipping part of the game (the menus). I can't think of any other speedgame you can do this in.

  2. How are the runs being retimed?

Suggestion: Maybe a variable with the in-game time could be added to each run, to make them easier to view.


I don't understand what you mean with the 2nd question so i'll only answer the first.

We do it cause it saves time. We are skipping menuing since it loses time. I'll take this into account though as I have made a "No Extra Tabs" Category for Mike Maker. If I have the time I will add a no extra tabs category into this game but for now its gonna stay with Extra Tabs.

Another thing is that if we used IGT like Mike World 2 (where we remove the time where Mike is on the flag + the results screen) it'd actually lose time for Any% Extra Tabs as you'd still have to menu to the next level and I honestly think removing time for menuing is just an odd idea. We are forced to stay RTA for Extra Tabs, meaning we will not change to IGT for Mike World 1 and Mike Maker.

If you've got any questions let me know, your suggestions can help!

United States

For the No Extra Tabs category I was thinking you would still include menu times, so it would still be RTA.

About the retiming question: There is a website people use to retime runs to make timing runs a lot more precise. This website is and it explains how to use it. I was basically asking what frames you started and ended the retime on. I guess I don't exactly understand how you're getting the times thats being put into the runs.


Timing ends on when you enter the first level, ends when you finish Lava Lake.

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