A Quick Hello And A Category Request
3 years ago
Idaho, USA

Hello all! I just dropped a few new WR times on the boards (pending approval) and I think the boys and I are going to start grinding this game a bit. I'm hoping the veterans already here will accept the challenge and join us!

That being said, I'd like to officially ask for a single player, 40-Man Battle Royal category. I know it was asked for in another thread a few months ago, and so I'm just asking again. We've had a lot of fun with this mode in other wrestling games! The option to play two player is awesome and I love that it is here, but realistically a 1p vs 3cpu or even a 1p2c vs 2cpu has literally no shot of even being close to the current two player times...so let's start some competition and split 'em up! :)

We really hope that this category can be added soon, and I look forward to the friendly competition that is sure to follow in the coming months. Good luck and have fun!

Kentucky, USA

I agree with this. Consider it done. Also, welcome. This game needed some new runners.

Another question worth asking is the difference between Emu and console. Personally, I see no true reason to separate the two, but the Ring Outs category times show a clear discrepancy between the two. Curious as to the thoughts of others.

bradenexplosion likes this
Kentucky, USA


5upamayne likes this
United States

First and foremost, @Kefka14, thank you for adding the requested category! :) Regarding your request for feedback on the emulator/console topic, I am of the opinion that, if one of the platforms provides an inherent advantage over the other, then they should be separated. I am pretty sure that was the justification made for the split in WWF No Mercy boards.

Would there be any specific problem/disadvantage/consequence in your eyes to doing so?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Kentucky, USA

@Megamatt79 I think we need to do a bit more research first to know the differences. Ultimately this community is not very big and I personally don't mind any run placement discrepancies, however there are some to note that definitely give EMU an advantage (albeit minor).

  1. Load times between matches are faster, in some cases not even having a fade in or out like on console. This doesn't really equate to much time at all, but it is certainly noticeable when looking at the Title Belt Ring Outs runs.

  2. The results screen after each match SEEMS to be able to be cleared faster on EMU as well. Sometimes I can replicate this on console though I'm not sure how I am doing it (or if its something that's like frame perfect on console or something stupid). I wanted others to chime in so we could figure this specific thing out. We can save a lot of time on console by learning how to quick dismiss the results screen. Please help lol.

  3. Console lags more, which can obviously be avoided (I have found that running on Souled Out reduces lag due to the lack of a fog effect). Also try to keep the screen from zooming out because the wrestlers are too far apart. That sort of lag makes the timer run slower for Ring Outs even (pretty sure at least).

British Columbia, Canada

For the 40 Man Battle Royals, for No Ring Outs, then it's only Pin and Submission, correct?

And for TKO, is it TKO only? If so, I guess we just modify the match rules so TKO is the only way to eliminate someone, correct?

Are there penalties for being eliminated? Or is not having control over who you are next enough of a punishment? haha.


Kentucky, USA

@bradenexplosion No penalty for elimination. And yes, with TKO runs, the ruleset should be changed to ONLY allow elimination via TKO.

British Columbia, Canada

Thanks Kefka! Just to clarify, so for the 'No Ring Outs' Battle Royals, those are Pin and Submission only then, right?

Kentucky, USA

@bradenexplosion that is correct!

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