Rules on difficulty settings for full game runs?
7 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Can the levels be played on any difficulty for full game runs or should they be completed on moderate difficulty like the level leaderboards show?

Thank you!

United States

Any difficulty is fine. Moderate was just set since that tends to be the most popular one with AoE runners. If you would like more options, let me know and I'll oblige.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
StarFalco64 likes this
North Carolina, USA

Im gonna get into filling the leaderboard soon so I'll let you know when I get there but moderate is cool for now :)

ROMaster2 likes this
North Carolina, USA

Oh one more question: For campaigns that have bonus missions, does full game only mean the main missions or does it require the bonus missions too? For example, would Darth Vader's full game run be missions 1-5 or missions 1-7? Or OOM-9, would his be missions 1-6 or 1-7?

United States

That's something I talked about with Mhmd and didn't quite reach a conclusion. If you plan on running a campaign, you can set the precedent on it.

StarFalco64 likes this
North Carolina, USA

I wanted to comment on this old thread because some old questions that I asked here years ago have now had a precedent set after RockinRobbo submitted his full Princess Leia run today. These questions weren't really answered before as the only full-game runs were Basic Training, and the questions did not apply to that campaign.

In terms of bonus missions, the precedent that has been set is that bonus missions are included in full-game runs, which I agree with personally. The other question in this forum, what difficulty should full-game runs be done on, is also now answered for the time being. Robbos run was performed on Moderate difficulty, but if anybody wants to do a full-game run on a separate difficulty, let us know and maybe we can add sub-categories to the full-game board for difficulty. Otherwise, full-game runs can be done on Moderate.

I am going to add both of these things to the rules if there are no objections from anyone. We were basically just waiting for someone to actually do it so that a precedent is set for future runs.

Game stats
Recent runs
Level: Princess Leia 1: A Force from the Past
Level: Chewbacca 3: Reunion Amongst the Trees
Level: Chewbacca 3: Reunion Amongst the Trees