Poll: Move Which Categories to Misc.?
8 years ago
United States


The final tally went something like this:

No S&Q - ** Keep ** (overwhelming vote) S&Q - ** Keep ** 17 to 11 100% - ** Keep ** (overwhelming vote) Any% - ** Keep ** (overwhelming vote)

Legacy - ** Move to misc ** (overwhelming vote) All Instruments - ** Move to misc ** (overwhelming vote)

Those two categories will be moved as soon as possible.

Things have died down a bit here after some longer discussions that we've had. This is a good thing! Now I think it's a good time to talk about which (if any) categories we should move to the Miscellaneous section of our LADX page. This is supposed to be a friendly discussion; if things get too heated, I'll probably stop the thread, and we can forget all about it. I would like to hear from anyone involved with LADX. If no one wants to move anything, that's cool. If people only want 1 category on the front, that's cool too. Please be serious about this.

What this thread is NOT: -No discussion of rule changes -No discussion of new categories -No discussion of eliminating categories (In the future, there will be threads covering these topics. I just think it is easiest to handle the most basic idea at a time.)

What this thread is: -Discussion of which (if any) categories should be moved to misc. on speedrun.com/ladx

I would like people to vote on every existing main page category, even if you just "abstain" or "don't care". Just so we can see a full tally.

Again, if we think this is unnecessary, I can stop the thread and we can forget this ever happened! :)


Thread will close on 2016/05/01 10PM EDT (2016/05/02 4AM CET)

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United States

I'll go first:

-No S&Q -> Keep. It's our main category, and it's the one most people know, watch, and talk about. -Any% -> Keep. It's our Any% category. It may not be as "popular", but every game needs an Any%. -100% -> Keep. Kinda like Any%. It's not popular, but I think most games should have a 100% as a "main" category. -S&Q -> Move to Misc. I have always though that S&Q was a bit unnecessary compared to S&Q. There really is not a difference between the two. I know the Japanese community runs this category, and we have tried to reach out to them, but we have not seen much. I imagine that most people do not agree with me on moving this one. -All Instruments -> Move to Misc. This category, to me, seems to be one of the best candidates for a misc. category. It really seems like an "extra" category in feel. It's not very popular, and very seldom run. -Legacy -> Move to Misc. Same reasons as All Instruments. It's even less popular than AI, and there are only 3 runs total for it. As much as I like this category, I don't think it's "Main Page" material.


Warr90 likes this
Bretagne, France

Same as above, except, of course, that SQ makes as much sense as noSQ :p

United States

Agreed aullos, It doesn't matter which (no S&Q vs S&Q) we run (they're basically the same). But we tend to run no S&Q.

Also, can everyone format posts as a vote? (so it's easier to count) <3

Edited by the author 8 years ago
United States

Also keep in mind Dan, that RBO is not a category yet. So your vote is to move all categories to Misc., and will be counted as such.

United States

No S+Q - Keep as main Any% - Keep as main 100% - Keep as main S+Q - No opinion All Instruments - Move to misc Legacy - Make an "ultra misc" section, and move it there. Kappa (aka move to misc)

Edited by the author 8 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

I am in favour of keeping No SQWWOOB, Any%, and Hundo. Those are all solid. 3 categories of varying lengths, but each is accessible.

I also feel that AI could remain as a main category. I feel that having a longer, heavily glitched category would still carry a lot of appeal. That being said, I think a longer, mostly unglitched category (ie Legacy) would also be nice to have, to bring balance to the other categories. But with AI and Legacy, i feel it should be be one or the other. I am in favour of moving S+Q and Legacy/AI to Misc. Nothing wrong there.

Also, create RBO (ww and no ww) and make it misc.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

I agree with rapid: All Instruments, Any% ACE, and Legacy to misc.

Any%, Any% no wwoob, Any% no sqwwoob, 100% to main

He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

FYI for everyone, Any% ACE is already in misc.

Ontario, Canada

Any% No Sqwwoob (sqwwoobie doobie doo): Main, #1 position Any%: Main, #2 position 100%: Main, #3 position Any% No woob: Misc All Instruments: Misc Legacy: Misc ACE (is this even a thing since it's emu only???): Misc if so

Likely unpopular idea - make a category literally titled "Misc. Runs" for w/e runs that it's doubtful more than one or two people are going to run but runners would like posted here for posterity.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
Texas, USA

No Sq - keep Any%true% - keep Hundo- keep No wwoob - misc Legacy- misc Ace-misc

Texas, USA

Also AI -misc

Massachusetts, USA

Agreeing with Rapid and dragon.

Move to miscellaneous: -All Instruments -Legacy

Keep as Main: -Any% (No SQ/WW/OoB) -Any% -100% -Any% (No WW/OoB)

Whatever happens, nothing will change for me. SQ will remain as the only category I care about.

Hamburg, Germany

Any% no s+q - keep since people want it as main category over s+q (even tho s+q makes more sense to me) Any% - Keep 100% - Keep Any% s+q - misc, since not main category sadly AI - Misc Legacy - Misc ACE - should not even exist, because its emu only

EDIT: made a new comment with new votes. since reading through comments made me change my opinions on things.

Edited by the author 8 years ago

I agree with zorlax on this one

Ontario, Canada

Any% (no sqwwoobing) -> keep (#1) Any% -> keep 100% -> keep Any% (s+q) -> misc AI - > misc Legacy -> misc

United States

Keep - No SQWWOOB, No WWOOB, 100%, Any% (no ACE) Misc - Everything else


Agree with Dragon, Rapid and Hakua

Move to miscellaneous: -All Instruments -Legacy

Keep as Main: -Any% (No SQ/WW/OoB) -Any% -100% -Any% (No WW/OoB)

Ontario, Canada

Main: -Any% No S+Q/WW/OoB -Any% -100% -Any% No WW/OoB

Misc: -All Instruments -Legacy

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