Speedrun timer
1 year ago

I'm kinda dumb and don't know how to edit a proper timer into my video. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?!

Use LiveSplit best timer, idk how to edit in to video depending on the software.

DatOneMonkey likes this

Dang. I do use livesplit but thank you for actually responding XD

is there a software that you know can do that??


I don't quite understand whats the problem here. You use LiveSplit, so it's on your screen, isn't it?

Oh_my_gourdness and Calebri like this
Los Angeles, CA, USA

I think I know what's going on here. I'm guessing you're using OBS to record? If you minimize LiveSplit it will show in the recording but not actually update the timer (it shows as what it looked like from when you minimized it.) To fix this, you just right click your LiveSplit timer, click Edit Layout, Layout Settings, and then uncheck the box near the bottom that says "Always On Top." Then just click ok on everything and then right click LiveSplit again and click Save Layout.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

If your issue was getting LiveSplit to show up on OBS in the first place then just follow this tutorial:

can i get livesplit on moblie


no but there's a website for a mobile version

DatOneMonkey and francoxvv like this

Use livesplit and make sure you cant see it by clicking the livesplit icon on the taskbar. then do on obs: make 2 window capture things. one should be livesplit other should be roblox. make sure livesplit is above roblox in the recording menu thing. when you record, it should still work when you start livesplit

Los Angeles, CA, USA

If you click on the LiveSplit icon on the taskbar it minimizes it and then OBS can't record it.

does livesplit work on xbox game bar?

Los Angeles, CA, USA

It should but I don't think you should be recording with xbox game bar, its kinda bad

obs is way worst its so laggy and it barely works xbox gamer bar is better


bro what the fucc 💀

Oh_my_gourdness and dekki3 like this

@dekki3 bro what the fuck u talking about

Edited by the author 1 year ago
dekki3 likes this

i can send proof of how laggy it is


@dekki3 maybe your pc is kinda shit that's why obs is laggy for you lol

DatOneMonkey likes this
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