Category Rules: Collect all the presents from an existing file as fast as possible. Timer starts as soon as you begin the first level "Movement" and ends as soon as you collect the final present in "Streak". Run is timed RTA, just like All Main Missions.
I'm petitioning this category so that there is at least one more main board category besides All Main Missions, and because variety is nice.
This category has some really cool and unique movement, and overall isn't as punishing as All Main Missions is (at least with the current strats that I've theorized as being optimal).
However, there is one glaring issue with the category: it is extremely difficult to set up. You have to create a new game, then play through all the levels in the demo every time you want to play this category, since the presents can only be collected once per file, and can't be collected when you first play through the demo.
Despite this, I believe it would be a worthy addition to the main board, and provide an oasis for runners that are looking to escape the difficulty of All Main Missions.
My performed run of the category:
i found earlier today that you can back up/restore save data (including the thought-to-be-lost steam saves), which would make resetting a file much much quicker for this category.
To Restore Steam Save Data
Go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Little Flag Software, LLC\Neon White There's a folder named a bunch of random numbers. Inside is a ghosts folder, which you should copy into the NOUSERNAME folder, and two savedata files that you should copy into the root of the "Neon White" folder. This of course will overwrite your post-steam-removal save data but if you back it up it's reversible.