First Ever Speedrun
5 years ago
Missouri, USA

This is My First Ever Speedrun do you got any tips for a beginner i have speedrunned before but not online i just tried it out it was swordigo but i just got annoyed quit the practice speedrun and deleted the game but now i decieded to do this game cause i like it more got any tips?

Missouri, USA

Also I'm playing on my kindle fire which is an Amazon tablet is that allowed i think it is since you can normally download the game on it.

Missouri, USA

Well I already reset my game so now I don't have eleven anymore but thanks i do it again then.


Once you unlock Eleven she will be with you even if you reset.

My suggestion is beat this game casually once, then unlock Eleven, getting eight eggos. If you want to know anything about itens, where find them etc, you can check this walktrough:

We dont have a Discord Server for this game itself but feel free to join the Mobile Speedrunning server (just search for "Mobile Speedrunning"). We're always active, if you have any questions about the game or resources to speedrun.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Missouri, USA

In really? Awesome but is anyone gonna answer my second question of they know?


Oh, about playing on tablet? Yes, it is allowed.

Missouri, USA

Yes an Amazon kindle.

Missouri, USA

What should I set the device as cause there is no Amazon option only Android and ios

Missouri, USA

I mean platfor m


You can fill it as Android.

Pennsylvania, USA

Without eleven would be tough lots of scavenging youd have to get Will to get Nancy's nail bat lots of memorization I might try it just to see lol

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

How do you even start over while keeping eleven?

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah i saw he posted that thanks

Missouri, USA

Do you have to play with eleven or is it just recommed?


There are two categories: With Eleven and Without Eleven.

Missouri, USA

I know I was just wondering if I could just do without eleven first I tried last December a spectrum without eleven it good me 3 hours I would have posted it but it got cut off in the middle for some reason so it wasn't even recording that whole time.

Missouri, USA

What the difference between in game time and time?

Missouri, USA

You know how after you fight the last boss you can fight it a second time could you maybe make a speedrun of that also could you make a speedrun of how fast you can complete that bonus dungeon like you did for the other dungeons?

Missouri, USA

Also do I have to stream my speedrun or can I just record also.

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