in level timer off sometimes?
6 years ago
United States

Ive noticed in some of these runs the level timer sometimes takes 2 seconds to register the first second of the level (its actually just under 2 seconds, around 15 milliseconds or so, so basically 2) yet it does not happen to every one all of the time. Wondering if there is a trick for this to happen or what exactly is going on here? This does not mess with full runs as its not measured by in game time that shows at end of the level but it 100% affects level records as those are measured by in level time at the end.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
kdx2a and MelonSlice like this

That's just appends randomly, I don't exactly know why.

United States

so the in time records for levels is merely left up to completely unknown rng then? i spent a couple hours yesterday playing and it didnt happen once to me


I have played today and I think this happen when you start the level in the menu and you start running immediatly

United States

ive done exactly whats happened in some of the videos, starting from the same spot, the same way, and right when the map loads, and still have yet to have it once happen to me.

United States

i feel a way to make this more consistant for players instead of unknown random level timer bugs, for level records submit a video of them starting the level standing still, then moving. this should eliminate the random bugged level timer. Because I dont think its right for someone to be able to do a level in 8 seconds but it count as 7 due to random bug with the in game time. Uusally you use in game time as its always consistant, but this is quite different and kind of defeats the purpose of using the in level time for level records. (as stated its irrelivant to the any% runs as its measured by a full time not in level time. this is only for correct level records).

kdx2a likes this

I will see how to implant the RTA later

Alsace, France

Personnaly, this glitch never happened to me, It's boring

United States

i tried for a very long time and never could get it to happen either. kikoodx thanks for considering it. the issue with my suggestion is everyone would have to resubmit their records in the level specific record boards that either only have a picture or dont stand still at least a second or so before going in the video. so basically all of us would have to resubmit..and i dont like the sound of that. all im saying is i just do not think THIS kind of rng is not the same as every other records rng, and this defeats the purpose of using in game timers to use as record standings, making it kind of invalid for the level reords. but again, thats just my view on it. im just one of many players. if the timer manipulation is a thing, then every one who didnt get the random timer bug should get -1 seconds off their record. but again, this would mean everyone who submitted a picture would have to go again. and also that just seems really lame even for an idea. so nevermind that

kdx2a likes this
Alsace, France

I think It's ok, I trust KikooDx, if he can glitch, everybody can so I don't think cathegories/rules need to be changed

kdx2a likes this

it just makes ILs a bit unfair we know more than KikooDx got it because so did Hatador in his full run. but if theirs no reliable way to get it. is it really fair especially if its taking hours and still not getting it to happen once? :)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
kdx2a likes this

I didn't know before you tell Hatador did it. I will search later why this glitch append.

MelonSlice likes this

Okay ^^ yeah when I was watching runs I seen it :)


I have test few things and I think this glitch only work with a controller.


Can someone test ?

Alsace, France

I'll try soon with DS3 controller if needed

kdx2a likes this

OK, that is definitly it. With a controller, you can maintain a direction during the chargement but not with a keyboard. I will add a tool to map the keyboard to controller in the ressources.

SickMyDuck likes this



Can you try this SickMyDuck ? PS : my antivirus don't like it because it "spy" your keyboard to map the gamepad, diseable antivirus to use this tool.

United States

i tested, it is in fact the controller input that allows it on the pc version. so thank you for putting the time into this to figure it out, it is much appreciated and i feel a bit better about it.

kdx2a likes this
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