Had the same issue; you might have to go into autosplitter settings and enable "Level Splits" as well as the moon(s) you'll be visiting in the run (eg. I run 1 Quota atm so I have the box next to Assurance checked)
Be careful to activate the auto splitter after launching the game, it doesn't work for me otherwise
If you are having trouble with splits, close livesplit fully and re-open first. And then toggle the activate/deactive button a couple times on the autosplitter.
Had someone the other night who was having issues and doing that worked for him
hi, im having the same issues as the guy who started the thread. ive tried quite literally every solution out there to fix the autosplitter multiple times but to no avail. ive tried toggling the activation button, ive tried closing and re-opening livesplit, ive tried enabling level splits, etc etc, but nothing has worked. its extremely frustrating because i was hoping to try to get on the leaderboards with me and my friends, but this autosplitter issue is holding all of us back. is there any more solutions out there that we could try or is it just GG until theres an update to it? please let me know
Having an issue where it doesn't split at the start of game, and doesn't pause at the correct time during loading.
Hey y’all, there was an announcement on Discord about this. I just posted a new post in News regarding this: https://www.speedrun.com/Lethal_Company/news/yxy2gm6n
Hi everyone!
Theres been plenty of changes on the leaderboards recently! Firstly, we've recently added the Ironman challenge as a speedrun category to the main leaderboards! There's two different variants of this challenge. In Classic Ironman you land on each moon only once, while in *Hardcor