what about an all teams category?
7 years ago
Ohio, USA

What about a ccategory where you play against all 9 teams? like a win%

i already have a run to submit to it too.

United States

A full season/series category was something that I was going to add at the beginning but I decided to wait until someone actually completed a run first. I'll set up a category this weekend when I have access to a computer, I'm on my phone atm.

Ohio, USA

Sweet. Ive only run it once. It's easily beatable. Lol

United States

Sorry I didn't get back to you when I said I would but I've been slammed with work lately so thanks for your patience. I'm setting up a general "All Teams" category for now that will essentially stand as an any%. I like the idea of a Win% but I feel like for that to be true you need to win against all teams and end the season with 9-0. I have not had time to play a full season of the game myself recently but from what I read you can play against all the teams even if you lose every game. And losing against every team would obviously be faster than winning. If this isn't true or you have more information on it let me know. Also let me know if you have feedback on any of this, as the only other person to run the game I am interested on your thoughts.

United States

Also feel free to submit your run at your leisure and I'll approve it. I know the start time didn't match the rules for the other categories so it may be a few seconds off but thats the only thing I noticed that was wrong. Besides that great job man I look forward to playing some more R.B.I myself in the future and challenging your time ;)

Ohio, USA

i think you have to win a certain number of them or you game over. like after 1 game i believe it game overs if you lose

we should then have a 9-0 category for all 9 being wins, mayne one for a winning season -54 or better, and maybe one for 0-9 if it is possible. i'll get back to you on it.

United States

Yeah this needs some investigation. If you game over after a couple losses than your run can be considered a win% even with a loss. I do remember the game resetting if you lost too many but I have not played a full season in a long time. If it does in fact reset after enough losses than the All Teams category would be the perfect spot for your run and then a 9-0 category would be nice to add later as well.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Ohio, USA

so you can go 0-9 so i say we do a 0-9 as any% and a 9-0 as win%

GameGlitchGuy likes this
United States

Sounds good to me. I'll watch your newest runs later.

Ohio, USA

can the 9-0 category please be added? i'm starting to work on getting a run together.

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