I am new here and new to speedrunning. I am slightly confused about how to fill out a submission.
As far as I can tell "time" is the actual run time I am submitting but I'm not sure what "in-game time" refers to. Also, I'm not clear of what date to put. Should it be the date of submission, the date of recording/actual run?
Any questions or if I'm not clear please feel free to ask.
In-game time for Individual Levels refers to the time found at the end of a run in session results, so put that in. In-game time for full game runs refers to the time of the run without any of the load screens included. "Time" is just the full time of the run, from start to finish. This is commonly referred to as RTA (Real Time Attack). Date is the date the run was recorded.
I think I understand. Regarding IL times in this game "time" & "In-game time" should be the same but if I wanted to submit a full game playthrough "time" would be the entire gameplay from intro to credits an "in-game time" would be the sum of each levels official time. Is that about right?
For IL submissions, you only have to enter your time into "in-game time" because the "time" column just makes things redundant for the IL boards since it's just the same thing. For full game submissions, "time" is determined from the moment you start the first level to when you get your medal in the final level, and "in-game time" is the same thing except the time spent in loading screens is subtracted from that time in order to level the playing field for runners who play on slower hardware. If you plan on doing full game runs, there are other rules you should also see by going on the leaderboard and clicking "view rules".
Due to recent changes with Twitch's storage policy, Twitch video submissions are no longer allowed. Please use YouTube instead.